The Happy Engineer Podcast

012: Lasting Happiness with Dr. Elia Gourgouris

Is it true that happiness is a choice? How were you branded as a baby, and how has that affected you? What is the difference between work/life balance and work/life integration? Let’s talk about engineering career happiness.

In this episode, you are going to the doctor. The Happiness Doctor! Dr. Elia Gourgouris has been helping thousands of leaders to achieve deep and lasting fulfillment for the past 25 years. Dr. Elia is a coach, speaker, and author of the #1 Best Seller, “7 Paths to Lasting Happiness.”

He is about to challenge your beliefs about what it takes to be happy. Are you ready?

Discover three traits of the happiest people on earth. Dig deeper into gratitude and the power of this practice. Become an enlightened leader who changes the culture at work where we desperately need it. Learn how to have a HOT convo… honest, open, and transparent conversations. And we are just warming up!

So press play and let’s chat… your happiness depends on it!


The Happy Engineer Podcast




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I want to give you a little secret. It’s about not procrastinating on your happiness. Dr. Elia highlighted this problem so well in our conversation. If you haven’t listened to this episode yet, now is the time. If you feel like you’ve been procrastinating on your happiness, then read on. 

But first, how have you been branded? We have all been branded. Were you the “happy” one? Or were you the “ugly” one? The “stupid” one or the “fat” one? This is tough. Be honest with yourself, how have you been branded? What is that identity that you’ve held on to from childhood all through your life?

Is that brand serving you? Is it taking you toward the life and the career that you dream about?

This is a really important concept. Many leaders are held back by a brand. Some failure that you made or some mistake that you made in your past. I want you to know, just like we talk about in this episode with the Happiness Doctor, you can choose a new brand today.

What are you going to choose? 

It takes mindset work and coaching and support to have breakthroughs and transformation in your life. But it starts today. Let go of those brands that are not serving you and let’s make the choice. 

Let’s jump back into the career space, because there was a key point made about HOT conversations that I absolutely don’t want you to miss. HOT means Honest, Open and Transparent conversations. HOT conversations are the nemesis of most engineers who I coach. 

It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself introverted or extroverted, it doesn’t matter if you’re a manager or an individual contributor. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Director or VP. HOT conversations, those honest, open, transparent conversations, are the key difference makers on creating results in your career. 

If you want to break through to that next level, if you want to get promoted, if you want to increase the size of your team, if you want to drive results faster… whatever it is, I guarantee there is a hot conversation or two (or 10) between you and that goal.

So go ask yourself the question, “Who do I need to have a hot conversation with?” Who have I been inauthentic with? What have I been keeping to myself and building up resentment and bitterness about it? Go have the conversation now, and you will create faster results and breakthroughs in your life.

Now I promised I would give you a secret about procrastination on happiness. You may relate to this, but a lot of people I talk to say, “Well, Zach, there’s a lot more to life than happiness. That’s not the end-all be-all. Aristotle was wrong when he said that happiness is the ultimate goal of our lives and that the chief aim of what we’re here create. It’s not just about happiness.”

I get that. But we use that as an excuse not to take action. Actions that you know you need to take for yourself if you want new results and more happiness, but you’re not taking them. 

As engineers, we have made this into such a complex formula. We have consistently pursued an answer to fulfillment, but can’t solve it completely. We get in our head, and we make everything more complicated than it has to be.

And because happiness seems big or nebulous, or just unclear in general, we don’t act. Because we cannot connect the dots from Y=f(x) we just keep coasting through life without taking action for our own happiness.

Stop trying to solve the whole equation.

Here’s the secret. Find the smallest, most simple, easiest, trivial negligible thing that’s going to make you just one tiny bit happier. Take action on it. Now!

That’s it. Don’t worry about quitting your job and finding something you’re more passionate about. Forget moving to a new city or to a new state where the weather is nicer. It’s not about changing everything in your life so that you can become the ultimate happiest person on the planet.

Don’t make it big and complicated. Find the smallest possible action that you can do right now. And then do it. Continue to make the decision to take action on that next smallest thing. That’s going to bring happiness, fulfillment, joy, and love into your life one step at a time. Ignore the finish line, and take the next step.

Let’s do this.

Previous Episode 11: Martial Arts and Engineering with Hansel Ramathal




Dr. Elia Gourgouris is the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness and 7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide to Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics & Other Disasters. He is the President of The Happiness Center and Founding Partner at The Global Institute of Thought Leadership.

His motto “Happiness is a choice!” has led him to becoming a leading authority in Happiness and Corporate Wellness, and a high in demand Speaker at conferences and Universities around the world.

Over the last 25 years, he has helped thousands of people achieve happiness and fulfillment, both in their professional and personal relationships through his coaching and keynotes.





Please note the full transcript is 90-95% accuracy. Reference the podcast audio to confirm exact quotations.

[00:00:00] Zach White: Welcome back. Happy engineers. It’s so great to be with you. And I am pumped to have a conversation with Dr. Elia the Happiness Doctor. We both have an appointment today with the right guy. So engineers get, get excited. Dr. Elia I am super curious. If you could just take us back to the story of how you became.

[00:00:36] The happiness doctor. I mean, this is the happy engineer podcast and couldn’t match up in a better way, but just tell us, like, where did you first become known as the happiness?

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