The Happy Engineer Podcast

091: ABC’s with CTO of Cast AI – Leon Kuperman | Artificial Intelligence | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | Cloud Computing

In this episode, we get deep into topics that every engineer in software and technology cares about… and every engineer outside software and technology needs to care about.

Meet Leon Kuperman, the Co-Founder and CTO of CAST AI. Formerly Vice President of Security Products OCI at Oracle, Leon has 20+ years of experience in product management, software design and development, all the way through to production deployment. 

We discuss the major implications of artificial intelligence in our careers, and the best ways to prepare yourself now.

Gain key lessons in what it takes to succeed in business from a leader who has held executive leadership roles in big tech, as well as entrepreneurial startups.

And enjoy an unexpected story of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and its application to your personal growth at work.

Leon is a true expert and authority on cloud computing, web application security and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), e-commerce, and web application architecture.

So press play and let’s chat… the ramifications of a new AI future await!

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The Happy Engineer Podcast




Previous Episode 090: Let’s Go Win with JM Ryerson | How Timing, Authenticity, and Perspective Create Careers that Make You Happy and Wealthy




Not doing what you love

Are you spending time doing what you love?

There’s going to be a good percentage of engineering leaders who hear Leon’s final question, why do you love doing what you do? 

And their immediate answer is going to be, well, I don’t. 

And if that’s you, I want you to listen extremely closely right now, because I have a word just for you.

That word is inertia.

Let’s go back to our college physics class and remind ourselves about inertia. 

An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion stays in motion until it’s acted upon by an outside force. 

And the truth is that it is easier for you to not love your work and just keep going on the path that you’re on because that requires no force, no energy, no outside action to create something new.

And as much as it seems consciously obvious that we would not want to continue on a path of our lives that is not fulfilling and not rewarding when life is so short. 

The truth is that inertia will keep you right where you’re at.

It will keep you square in your comfort zone if we don’t take action. 

And that’s what lifestyle engineering is all about.

I want to be that outside force for you right now because the quality of your life depends on the quality of your work life.

Gone are the days where you just go to work and punch the clock, doing something that you dread or dislike just to make a buck and go home.

That is not enough for the modern engineer. You deserve more. 

If that resonates for you, I want to be that outside force for you right now. Let’s talk

Don’t hesitate. Decisive action is a part of creating a new force in your life.

Apply for our Lifestyle Engineering Blueprint program. I mean this sincerely. It will radically transform the quality of your work and therefore your life to get into something that you love.

Overcoming Inertia

I want to tell you about a former client named Matt. 

When he and I met, he shared his story of overcoming career inertia in a space that he was not loving. Matt was a mechanical engineer just like me. I love mechanical engineering, but Matt did not. 

It was good, but not great. It was a good paycheck, but not fulfilling.

It didn’t light him up, it didn’t excite him, and Matt didn’t want to build his career in that space. 

He got into software development. He went to a bootcamp, learned a new skill set, and made his way into a really exciting web three and blockchain startup.

That’s where Matt and I connected, and leaned into what his growth and future would look like for him?

In many ways, it was a huge risk for him to get out of a career path that was stable, easy and secure to then put himself into a totally new domain where he was not the expert, and where he didn’t have the same skills and competency that some of his peers did. 

Matt overcame that inertia. 

He knew that his lifestyle was more important than just making a buck. 

And when he and I met and talked about coaching, he said, look, I need to use my whole self, my skills in management, and what I know now in software development to advance within this startup.

He joined our program, the Lifestyle Engineering Blueprint, and we worked through getting that next level step for him within the organization. 

And he did quickly. 

He was able to build continued trust with the senior leadership team, the founding team. 

He got a bigger role. He was able to hire more people underneath him, structure the engineering team, and be the leader of that org and just months.

He was then brought on as a director of engineering for a different startup, continuing to expand his career. He had a baby and he started a business, and all of that happened within 12 months. 

So he has a thriving side hustle. He’s got a growing and thriving family and a thriving career, all of that, because he was willing to ask that hard question, why do I love what I do?

And if there’s anything in my life that I don’t love, what action will I take to get help? 

For Matt, asking this question led to incredible outcomes, not just in his income, which grew by 50k and more annually in a short period of time, but also in the impact it had in his life. 

Everything Leon and I talked about today, all the technologies, everything with artificial intelligence, with cloud computing, cyber security, the way that he has put himself into challenging environments, both on the W2 side and on the entrepreneurial side. 

All of it sounds really great from the outside, just listening in, but it’s super important that you apply this to yourself, to your own situation. 

Maybe you’re a top performer, you are crushing it, and you do love what do.

Awesome. What do you need to continue to take action on to stay connected to that growth, to keep making an impact and to really be present to thrive in it, to enjoy it. 

Maybe for you. The next level is not about another promotion or bigger paycheck, but about deeper love, deeper connection, deeper presence to the things that bring you joy.

You could be on the opposite side of this conversation. 

You’re burned out, you’re frustrated. Maybe you feel stuck at a certain level in your career. 

You’ve gotten that annual performance review yet again, where it’s not that you’re underperforming and are gonna get fired but you continue to be told to just keep doing what you’re doing. 

You’re doing great, but you’re simply not ready or not getting picked for that next level, and you want more regardless of where you’re at. 

My challenge to you today is not to ask a question that Leon posed to us. 

Why do I love what I do?

Don’t just listen to that. Nod your head and say, oh, that’s nice, and let inertia win in your life. 

Here’s your outside force. I’m pushing you. I am pushing you on purpose because I want something better for you. Schedule a call with me.

Look, if you don’t want to engage in this opportunity, that’s fine, but take action somewhere. 

Don’t just be a casual observer to the quality of your own life. Listening to someone like Leon and saying, oh, that must be nice, listening to me and wondering, oh, I wonder how he did that. Your life, your happiness, your fulfillment, your success.

That’s what we’re here to talk about. 

That’s why you’re listening to this podcast, and if you don’t take action, put an outside force on yourself, then inertia will win every time. 

We call it the comfort zone, and your entire subconscious mind is trying to keep you there safe, comfortable, and away from anything scary and new that might kill you.

But the truth is that the survival instinct that’s automatic is not serving you. 

We want to thrive, not just survive. 

Yeah, it’s cliche, but also a reality. 

Take action. Get after it. And have fun.



Leon Kuperman is Co-founder and CTO at CAST AI. Formerly Vice President of Security Products OCI at Oracle, Leon’s professional experience spans across tech companies such as IBM, Truition, and HostedPCI. He founded and served as the CTO of Zenedge, an enterprise security company protecting large enterprises with a cloud WAF. 

Leon has 20+ years of experience in product management, software design, and development, all the way through to production deployment. He is an authority on cloud computing, web application security and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), e-commerce, and web application architecture.





Please note the full transcript is 90-95% accuracy. Reference the podcast audio to confirm exact quotations.

[00:00:00] Zach White: All right. Welcome back. Happy Engineer, and today, Leon, welcome to the show. Super excited to have you and dig into your life, your story, and your expertise. Thanks for making time, man.

[00:00:11] Leon Kuperman: Hey Zach. Great to be with you.

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