
174: Here’s Why Being Busy Blocks Engineering Success with Dr. Andy Garrett

174: Here’s Why Being Busy Blocks Engineering Success with Dr. Andy Garrett

In this episode, meet the world’s leading authority on identity and resilience, Dr. Andy Garrett.

Andy holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and has invested his life’s work teaching organizations how to become Radically Resilient – to maximize your successes & limit losses!

We show how the world’s definition of success is part of the problem, and why everyone walks around feeling so busy all the time. Spoiler alert, doing more is not the answer to your next promotion.

If you have ever struggled with motivation, or bouncing back from adversity, then what Andy has researched about authenticity, resilience, and agility will be a game-changer for your career.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to change your story from post-traumatic stress, to post-traumatic growth!

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155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

In this episode, I dive into the misconceptions and pitfalls surrounding networking in the professional world.

Join me as I unpack the flawed mindset behind traditional networking strategies and propose a paradigm shift towards authentic connection and giving without expectation.

Discover why leading with generosity and genuine intent can not only transform your networking experiences but also propel your career forward with fulfillment and purpose.

So press play and let’s chat about redefining networking for success without the sleaze.

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