
157: Learn to Say More with Less Words | Executive Communication

157: Learn to Say More with Less Words | Executive Communication

In this episode, I reflect on a recent coaching session with an engineering leader named David, who struggled to articulate his career challenges concisely.

I share how, despite his impressive background, David’s long-winded communication hindered his progress. From experiences like this, I’ve learned the critical importance of clear and concise communication in career advancement.

I delve into how engineers, like myself, often fall into the trap of verbosity, but mastering concise communication is essential for success. Whether it’s in emails or conversations, brevity saves time and fosters clarity. By adopting this habit, engineers can project authority, autonomy, and decisiveness, crucial qualities for effective leadership.

Join me as I discuss the power of concise communication and its transformative impact on career growth.

So press play and let’s chat about leveling up your communication game!

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155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

In this episode, I dive into the misconceptions and pitfalls surrounding networking in the professional world.

Join me as I unpack the flawed mindset behind traditional networking strategies and propose a paradigm shift towards authentic connection and giving without expectation.

Discover why leading with generosity and genuine intent can not only transform your networking experiences but also propel your career forward with fulfillment and purpose.

So press play and let’s chat about redefining networking for success without the sleaze.

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153: How to Master the Calendar and Get More Done

153: How to Master the Calendar and Get More Done

In this episode, we discuss a common struggle we engineers face: mastering our calendars.

Inspired by an email from a listener named Will, who felt overwhelmed and struggled to get things done, we explore the crucial skill of calendar management.

I share five actionable tips, from guarding your best hours to winning the morning, to help you take control of your time. These tips are just the tip of the iceberg – there are seven more waiting for you in the downloadable PDF scorecard.

Remember, you have all the time there is, and by implementing these strategies, you can shift from feeling overwhelmed to experiencing joy and flow.

So press play and let’s chat about reclaiming your calendar and mastering your time.

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