What’s been the toughest test of your life? Did it involve being underwater, with your instructor shutting off your oxygen, pushing your body to its physical limits, feeling immense fear, all while being graded on perfect procedures?
Did I mention most people fail, and you only get four attempts to pass?
In this episode, meet former Navy SEAL operator, Josiah Kauffman. He is a self-proclaimed complete nerd in high school, who felt a calling to serve after the tragic events of 9/11 and trained his way to the top of the top for elite warriors. He understands better than anyone the importance of having a mental edge.
After serving in combat, Josiah instructed 400+ men in Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD/S) training. Arguably the toughest training program on earth.
Now he brings his elite performance training and tactical leadership experience to the civilian sector, and is the founder of The Warrior Calling.
The nerd didn’t leave him while on tour, as Josiah also holds a Masters Degree in Cybersecurity. How many humans can teach you elite self-defense, and protect you on the internet?
So press play and let’s chat… it’s time for Basic Engineer Mental Edge training!