
138: Stop Stagnation and Grow Faster | Peak Performance Multiplier

138: Stop Stagnation and Grow Faster | Peak Performance Multiplier

In this episode, we explore a transformative framework for excelling in your career and beyond. Uncover the four essential zones: comfort, learning, performance, and crisis, and learn how to strategically manage your time in each.

Join us on a journey from crisis to calm, where you’ll master practicing without pressure and unlock the potential of the learning zone.

Ready to multiply your performance and achieve that next career milestone while maintaining life balance? Tune in, uncover the secrets, and elevate your performance.

So, hit play and let’s chat. Are you prepared to find your flow and reach peak performance?

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135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

In this episode, we’re delving into a vital aspect of career growth: succession planning. Just like interviews, succession planning is crucial for career advancement. We’ll explore the three phases of career progression and what often keeps us stuck.

Join me as we discuss the mindset shift needed and three practical tips for effective succession planning. It’s time to take responsibility for your career development and build your path to that next promotion.

Ready for more? Tune in to the Happy Engineer Podcast. Let’s chat…

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