
139: Unstoppable Resilience – True Grit and Grace with Amberly Lago

139: Unstoppable Resilience – True Grit and Grace with Amberly Lago

In this episode, prepare to see a miracle with a woman who has changed the world with her story, Amberly Lago.

At age 38, Amberly Lago’s life was turned upside down. Hit by a SUV while riding her motorcycle, 34 surgeries to save her leg from amputation and diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome dubbed “the suicide disease,” she knows about how to strengthen resilience because she has lived it.

Sometimes we need a shot of encouragement right in the arm, and this conversation will do it.

When you have unstoppable resilience, you don’t just change your life. You can change the world.

Amberly has been on the cover of Forbes magazine and USA Today. She’s shared the stage with Mel Robbins, Jay Shetty, Lewis Howes, Brendon Burchard, Sharon Lechter, Ed Mylett and countless others.

She offers hope and solutions for anyone feeling stuck, and I can honestly say this episode is one I’ll NEVER forget.

So press play and let’s chat… true grit and grace is available for your situation too

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138: Stop Stagnation and Grow Faster | Peak Performance Multiplier

138: Stop Stagnation and Grow Faster | Peak Performance Multiplier

In this episode, we explore a transformative framework for excelling in your career and beyond. Uncover the four essential zones: comfort, learning, performance, and crisis, and learn how to strategically manage your time in each.

Join us on a journey from crisis to calm, where you’ll master practicing without pressure and unlock the potential of the learning zone.

Ready to multiply your performance and achieve that next career milestone while maintaining life balance? Tune in, uncover the secrets, and elevate your performance.

So, hit play and let’s chat. Are you prepared to find your flow and reach peak performance?

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137: Create Balance – A Journey of Ease and Dignity with Rebecca Whitman | The Magnetic Abundance Mentor

137: Create Balance – A Journey of Ease and Dignity with Rebecca Whitman | The Magnetic Abundance Mentor

In this episode, you’ll meet the Magnetic Abundance Mentor, Rebecca Whitman. Recently featured on the cover of Modern Luxury Miami magazine as the #1 Life Coach, she is on a mission to help us move from scarcity to abundance.

If you struggle with balance, or feel like you’ve pushed harder and harder with no real change in your results, then this conversation will challenge you to try a new approach. One that works.

Looking for more success in your career and finances? Rebecca’s unique lens on how to achieve abundance may surprise you.

Rebecca is author of multiple international bestselling books, including “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part Time.” She was ranked in the Top 7 Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023 by “LA Weekly.”

She hosts the globally ranked “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant” podcast, where you can dive deeper into her 7 Pillars of Abundance which include: spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social, and financial.

Her mission is to help people achieve balance within these seven areas so they can experience more fun and freedom in life!

In addition to her appearances as an expert on ABC, CBS, she has appeared on dozens of podcasts, and shared virtual stages with great thought leaders like Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield and Les Brown.

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136: Formula 1 Performance Leads to RAPID Career Acceleration with Paul Teasdale | McLaren F1 Team

136: Formula 1 Performance Leads to RAPID Career Acceleration with Paul Teasdale | McLaren F1 Team

In this episode, we bring you high performance Formula 1 insights for your career acceleration goals with Paul Teasdale.

Paul is a former member of the McLaren F1 Racing team, and now travels around the world helping companies and individuals as a coach, speaker, facilitator, and podcast host.

We cover his RAPID framework, a unique way to apply the data-driven methodologies of high performance racing into your career. And here’s the most surprising part of his model that every engineer needs to know:

Data comes last.

Paul held various roles including consulting in food manufacturing, international shipping, dairy export and business banking, before landing the opportunity with McLaren, the Formula 1 team and supercar manufacturer. After 6 years with McLaren, Paul went on to launch his own coaching and consulting practice and developed his RAPID framework.

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135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

In this episode, we’re delving into a vital aspect of career growth: succession planning. Just like interviews, succession planning is crucial for career advancement. We’ll explore the three phases of career progression and what often keeps us stuck.

Join me as we discuss the mindset shift needed and three practical tips for effective succession planning. It’s time to take responsibility for your career development and build your path to that next promotion.

Ready for more? Tune in to the Happy Engineer Podcast. Let’s chat…

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134: Be Happy and Fulfilled through Personal Development Mastery with Agi Keramidas

134: Be Happy and Fulfilled through Personal Development Mastery with Agi Keramidas

In this episode, we look at the unexpected journey from established career to personal development master and podcaster with my friend, Agi Keramidas.

In spite of massive success by the world’s standards, Agi was asking himself, “What’s wrong with me?”

He began to rethink life. Having lost passion for his job and feeling unfulfilled and directionless, it looked like a midlife crisis. But instead of a crisis, he created a midlife awakening.

Don’t miss the nudges that can keep you away from burnout and missing out on your best life.

Agi is the host of the “Personal Development Mastery” podcast, and has interviewed legends of success like Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, and Dr. John Demartini.

So press play and let’s chat… so you can avoid disaster and become a master of your future!

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