
132: Five Strategies to Win the Inbox War | The End of Never-Ending Email

132: Five Strategies to Win the Inbox War | The End of Never-Ending Email

In this episode, I dive into the often-overlooked challenges of building a thriving engineering career.

Often, it’s not just about technical prowess. Many crucial aspects have nothing to do with being a great engineer.

We explore the war of the inbox, discussing five strategies to help you regain control and maximize your efficiency.

These practical tips are key to mastering the inbox and reclaiming your focus, ultimately accelerating your engineering career.

So press play and… let’s chat about conquering the inbox war.

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129: How to Increase Confidence Interviewing and Get the Job You Want

129: How to Increase Confidence Interviewing and Get the Job You Want

In today’s episode, I dive deep into a topic that is crucial for career growth and success: confidence.

We all know that interviews play a crucial role in advancing our careers, whether it’s for promotions within our current organizations or when seeking opportunities in new companies. But here’s the truth – interviews are not solely about qualifications, they are about confidence.

In this episode, we explore the three mindsets of confidence that are essential for acing your interviews and landing that dream job. I share a real-life example of Charlie, one of our clients, as we uncover the challenges he faced and how we helped him turn his uncertainty into confidence.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to land your ideal engineering role!

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