
162: Change Your Life in 8 Steps with Dave Albin | Firewalk Captain for Tony Robbins

162: Change Your Life in 8 Steps with Dave Albin | Firewalk Captain for Tony Robbins

In this episode, meet the man who has led more people through the transformational experience of firewalking than anyone else on earth, Dave Albin.

Dave led the firewalk for personal development legend Tony Robbins at his Unleash the Power Within events for 20 years, before starting his own company and bringing this experience to corporate teams and most recently, veterans.

I personally experienced walking on fire in 2019 and it changed my life.

But this conversation is more than discovering the magic of firewalking (literally, it makes no sense how it’s possible). It’s a story of redemption, impact, and the boost we all need to get back out there and achieve our biggest dream.

Engineering leaders can change the world. The question is, will you?

So press play and let’s chat… the change begins today!

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156: Why Some Engineers Should Definitely Start a Consulting Business with Jay Aigner

156: Why Some Engineers Should Definitely Start a Consulting Business with Jay Aigner

In this episode, you’ll get to meet Jay Aigner. He is a consulting evangelist.

You may relate with Jay, who had his first kid at age 19, in college, 1000 miles from home. He graduated, got a job in his dream industry and worked the 9-5 grind for years.

Eventually a new challenge presented itself … get his wife out of working as an overnight long-term pediatric nurse.

What is your challenge? Why is your current life no longer acceptable? Most importantly, what’s the solution?

For Jay, it was consulting.

Fast-forward a few years later, he grew JDAQA, his company, from a one man software testing consultancy based on his 9-5 experience to a 7-figure testing agency powerhouse with 60+ employees. Jay is a father of 5, amateur astrophotographer, student pilot, hockey player, and podcast host as well.

His unique 5 for 5 morning routine is his foundation for crushing results, and we cover that and more in this powerful conversation.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get off the fence and get clear on your consulting business!

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152: Biggest Lie Blocking Happiness is Everywhere with Eric Nehrlich | Chief of Staff @ Google

152: Biggest Lie Blocking Happiness is Everywhere with Eric Nehrlich | Chief of Staff @ Google

In this episode, you’ll meet Eric Nehrlich. He used to be miserable.

An achiever who always exceeded expectations, he landed a dream job at Google. But a couple years later he was working 8am to midnight every day, including most weekends, drowning in emails and meetings.

Eric felt completely stuck, with no idea how his life was ever going to change.

Today, his work is meaningful and inspiring, and he is happy. Eric spends quality time with his family, while still having time for his own pursuits.

What changed?

He realized he had a choice.

Now an Executive Coach to top technology leaders at companies like X (Twitter), Amazon, and of course Google, Eric authored the book, “You Have a Choice: Beyond Hard Work to Meaningful Impact”, to help you realize the same thing.

So press play and let’s chat… if you want to be happy and successful in your career, the choice is yours.

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