
173: Now You Can Make Hard Career Decisions Seem Simple

173: Now You Can Make Hard Career Decisions Seem Simple

In this episode, I explore the critical importance of aligning your core values and vision before making significant career decisions.

Drawing from my experience working with an engineering leader named Ashley, who faced a pivotal career move, I illustrate how defining your values and vision ahead of time can transform decision-making from a stressful and uncertain ordeal into a confident and clear process.

You’ll learn why it’s essential to understand what truly matters and how to create a roadmap for your ideal life and career, emphasizing the importance of doing the inner work in advance to make informed, aligned decisions.

By the end of our discussion, you’ll have practical insights on how to prioritize your core values and articulate a compelling vision for your future.

So press play and let’s chat…about making career decisions that truly reflect who you are and where you want to go!

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163: The Secret of Escaping Stagnation at Work

163: The Secret of Escaping Stagnation at Work

In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of stagnation in your career journey.

Drawing from a recent coaching session with an engineering manager, Alex, who’s feeling stuck in his current role, we explore how the fear of dissatisfaction can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Despite having a good life and career on the surface, he realizes he’s not truly fulfilled.

I share insights on how to break free from this cycle by daring to be dissatisfied and embracing the courage to pursue something greater.

Plus, I offer a practical tool, the Pain Pleasure Matrix, to help you refocus your energy towards your desired future.

Don’t let fear hold you back any longer—join me as we embark on a journey toward growth and fulfillment.

So press play and let’s chat about embracing the courage to pursue greatness!

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144: Why Not All Readers are Leaders | 3 Big Mistakes Engineers Make in the Habit of Reading Books

144: Why Not All Readers are Leaders | 3 Big Mistakes Engineers Make in the Habit of Reading Books

In this episode, I explore three mistakes in my reading journey, from juggling too many books to setting arbitrary yearly reading goals.

I advocate for a shift towards intentional reading, focusing on quality over quantity and emphasizing the importance of applying knowledge. I discuss the pitfall of passive action and encourage listeners to prioritize real-life implementation.

As a bonus, I share a curated list of nearly 100 influential books from my personal library.

So, press play and let’s chat about transforming your reading habits for meaningful personal and professional growth.

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136: Formula 1 Performance Leads to RAPID Career Acceleration with Paul Teasdale | McLaren F1 Team

136: Formula 1 Performance Leads to RAPID Career Acceleration with Paul Teasdale | McLaren F1 Team

In this episode, we bring you high performance Formula 1 insights for your career acceleration goals with Paul Teasdale.

Paul is a former member of the McLaren F1 Racing team, and now travels around the world helping companies and individuals as a coach, speaker, facilitator, and podcast host.

We cover his RAPID framework, a unique way to apply the data-driven methodologies of high performance racing into your career. And here’s the most surprising part of his model that every engineer needs to know:

Data comes last.

Paul held various roles including consulting in food manufacturing, international shipping, dairy export and business banking, before landing the opportunity with McLaren, the Formula 1 team and supercar manufacturer. After 6 years with McLaren, Paul went on to launch his own coaching and consulting practice and developed his RAPID framework.

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135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

135: Success is Determined by Your Successors | Why You Need a Succession Plan Now

In this episode, we’re delving into a vital aspect of career growth: succession planning. Just like interviews, succession planning is crucial for career advancement. We’ll explore the three phases of career progression and what often keeps us stuck.

Join me as we discuss the mindset shift needed and three practical tips for effective succession planning. It’s time to take responsibility for your career development and build your path to that next promotion.

Ready for more? Tune in to the Happy Engineer Podcast. Let’s chat…

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132: Five Strategies to Win the Inbox War | The End of Never-Ending Email

132: Five Strategies to Win the Inbox War | The End of Never-Ending Email

In this episode, I dive into the often-overlooked challenges of building a thriving engineering career.

Often, it’s not just about technical prowess. Many crucial aspects have nothing to do with being a great engineer.

We explore the war of the inbox, discussing five strategies to help you regain control and maximize your efficiency.

These practical tips are key to mastering the inbox and reclaiming your focus, ultimately accelerating your engineering career.

So press play and… let’s chat about conquering the inbox war.

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