
159: Who Else Wants More Energy at Work?

159: Who Else Wants More Energy at Work?

Are you ready to unlock your full potential by prioritizing health and fitness?

In this episode, I share a surprising revelation from my time at the gym that transformed my perspective on career success. From casual encounters with gym buddies to discovering they were top executives, I realized a common thread: the correlation between physical fitness and professional achievement.

I delve into why a strong body is crucial for a strong mind and how prioritizing health can elevate performance in all areas of life.

Join me as I challenge engineering leaders to become subject matter experts not only in their technical fields but also in sleep, movement, and nutrition. Discover simple yet powerful ways to optimize energy levels and unlock your full potential.

So press play and let’s chat about maximizing performance through holistic well-being.

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153: How to Master the Calendar and Get More Done

153: How to Master the Calendar and Get More Done

In this episode, we discuss a common struggle we engineers face: mastering our calendars.

Inspired by an email from a listener named Will, who felt overwhelmed and struggled to get things done, we explore the crucial skill of calendar management.

I share five actionable tips, from guarding your best hours to winning the morning, to help you take control of your time. These tips are just the tip of the iceberg – there are seven more waiting for you in the downloadable PDF scorecard.

Remember, you have all the time there is, and by implementing these strategies, you can shift from feeling overwhelmed to experiencing joy and flow.

So press play and let’s chat about reclaiming your calendar and mastering your time.

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152: Biggest Lie Blocking Happiness is Everywhere with Eric Nehrlich | Chief of Staff @ Google

152: Biggest Lie Blocking Happiness is Everywhere with Eric Nehrlich | Chief of Staff @ Google

In this episode, you’ll meet Eric Nehrlich. He used to be miserable.

An achiever who always exceeded expectations, he landed a dream job at Google. But a couple years later he was working 8am to midnight every day, including most weekends, drowning in emails and meetings.

Eric felt completely stuck, with no idea how his life was ever going to change.

Today, his work is meaningful and inspiring, and he is happy. Eric spends quality time with his family, while still having time for his own pursuits.

What changed?

He realized he had a choice.

Now an Executive Coach to top technology leaders at companies like X (Twitter), Amazon, and of course Google, Eric authored the book, “You Have a Choice: Beyond Hard Work to Meaningful Impact”, to help you realize the same thing.

So press play and let’s chat… if you want to be happy and successful in your career, the choice is yours.

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151: Forget Work-Life Balance If You Want to Be Happy | Master the Wheel of Life

151: Forget Work-Life Balance If You Want to Be Happy | Master the Wheel of Life

In this episode, we dive into the crucial concept of whole life balance, challenging the traditional notion of work-life balance.

The centerpiece of this episode is the Wheel of Life, a powerful tool for assessing satisfaction in eight key areas, including body, finances, relationships, mindset, and vocation. I guide you through the process of scoring each domain and emphasize the importance of taking small, specific actions to improve each area gradually.

The episode concludes with an actionable plan to prioritize and address the areas that need attention the most. Don’t miss the chance to grab the accompanying workbook and embark on your journey toward whole life balance.

So press play and let’s chat about transforming your life one wheel at a time.

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150: Victory Over Imposter Syndrome and Burnout with Jimmy Burroughes

150: Victory Over Imposter Syndrome and Burnout with Jimmy Burroughes

In this episode, meet Jimmy Burroughes, a former British Military Officer turned international coach and brilliant author.

Jimmy shares his mission to “Beat Burnout – Ignite Performance” in his playbook for building high-performance team cultures. He helps organizations all over the planet achieve 10x results without burning out.

If you are hungry for bigger and faster results, but not sure how to get there without burning the candle on both ends, this conversation is for you.

Having lived and worked in over 65 countries, Jimmy’s approach to leadership development doesn’t include fancy jargon or complex formulas. He believes in simple, practical solutions that get results.

So press play and let’s chat… let’s beat burnout before it starts.

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128: You Work Too Hard to Miss Bigger Opportunity with Greg Martin | Lifetime at Work Podcast Host

128: You Work Too Hard to Miss Bigger Opportunity with Greg Martin | Lifetime at Work Podcast Host

n this episode, meet a man dedicated to helping engineers realize how great our jobs can be, Greg Martin.

10 years into his 2-year career plan, he experienced a burnout crisis and was forced to make a drastic change. His pivot into the restaurant business was thwarted by the pandemic, and life lessons learned the hard way continued.

Greg challenges every employee and business owner to not be afraid of wanting what you really want! Because you won’t know what’s possible for you until you run bolder experiments and test the limits of what your current situation will provide.

As an investment banker, angel investor, entrepreneur and regular host of the Lifetime at Work podcast, Greg is on a mission to explore the world of work, the ups and downs behind taking big risks and the payoffs that come with it.

So press play and let’s chat… because the payoffs can be huge if you’ll take action.

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