The Happy Engineer Podcast

WHERE WE HELP ENGINEERS  at all levels to achieve career success without suffering burnout. 




The Happy Engineer Podcast helps engineers at all levels to achieve career success without suffering burnout. Build your career, balance your life, and be happy!

Your host, Zach White, knows what it takes to be a successful engineer. Each week, the former engineering leader, now turned CEO and sought after Lifestyle Engineering Coach, will help you create an action plan to level up your career while designing a life you love.

Enjoy inspiring conversations with experts from all corners of industry and life, redefining work-life balance for a new world.  Stop living below your potential, engineer!  Learn how to overcome any career obstacle you face.  Get off the road to burnout.

Crush comfort, create courage, and LET’S DO THIS!



Zach White is a widely regarded Coach known worldwide for changing the game in engineering career coaching.  He has worked with engineers at all levels from dozens of top companies like Apple, Google, and General Motors to escape burnout and achieve breakthrough results.  Zach is the founder and CEO of OACO, a fast growing company with unique and proven coaching programs exclusively for engineers.  He also hosts The Happy Engineer Podcast, where listeners discover the steps to engineering success through expert interviews and Zach’s own transformational framework, the Lifestyle Engineering Blueprint.  

Zach understands the engineering journey first hand, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, and a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan.  With over a decade of experience and top performance in a $20B organization, he is now a sought after Coach by engineering leaders around the world.  

As a growing entrepreneur, Zach is also a Partner at PermaVentures, a private equity investment group and startup studio based in Southwest Michigan.

Zach White - Happy Engineer Podcast host



091: ABC’s with CTO of Cast AI – Leon Kuperman | Artificial Intelligence | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | Cloud Computing

091: ABC’s with CTO of Cast AI – Leon Kuperman | Artificial Intelligence | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | Cloud Computing

In this episode, we get deep into topics that every engineer in software and technology cares about… and every engineer outside software and technology needs to care about.

Meet Leon Kuperman, the Co-Founder and CTO of CAST AI. Formerly Vice President of Security Products OCI at Oracle, Leon has 20+ years of experience in product management, software design and development, all the way through to production deployment.

We discuss the major implications of artificial intelligence in our careers, and the best ways to prepare yourself now.

Gain key lessons in what it takes to succeed in business from a leader who has held executive leadership roles in big tech, as well as entrepreneurial startups.

And enjoy an unexpected story of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and its application to your personal growth at work.

Leon is a true expert and authority on cloud computing, web application security and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), e-commerce, and web application architecture.

So press play and let’s chat… the ramifications of a new AI future await!

090: Let’s Go Win with JM Ryerson | How Timing, Authenticity, and Perspective Create Careers that Make You Happy and Wealthy

090: Let’s Go Win with JM Ryerson | How Timing, Authenticity, and Perspective Create Careers that Make You Happy and Wealthy

In this episode, we talk about WINNING. My guest is JM Ryerson, host of the Let’s Go Win podcast and creator of the Let’s Go Win process.

That process has allowed JM to successfully build and exit two companies, creating the financial freedom and personal success that most engineering leaders dream about.

We talk about the importance of timing, the power of perspective, and the two questions JM asks himself every day to make sure he consistently performs at his best in business results AND emotional experience.

JM knows you want to be happy, and will share with you how he does it.

He is now coaching high-performing leaders to grow their impact and income. His Show Up As You system helps utilize your role as a leader to ignite the ambition and confidence your team needs to hit next-level success.

So press play and let’s chat… and Let’s Go Win!

089: Q&A #5 with Zach White | 6 LinkedIn Profile Improvements to Stand Out | My Opinion on Layoffs in Tech and How to Respond

089: Q&A #5 with Zach White | 6 LinkedIn Profile Improvements to Stand Out | My Opinion on Layoffs in Tech and How to Respond

In this episode, you asked me how to optimize your LinkedIn profile (and stand out from the crowd of talent), and what I think about recent layoffs (including how to respond if you were impacted).

Thank you to Parul, Software Engineering Manager, and the dozens of leaders on LinkedIn who have asked my opinion on layoffs, for sending me your questions!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

088: Jim Cathcart | Top 5 Most Award-Winning Speaker in the World | the Pathway to Maximum Potential for True Professionals

088: Jim Cathcart | Top 5 Most Award-Winning Speaker in the World | the Pathway to Maximum Potential for True Professionals

In this episode, we go deeper into the HAPPY side of The Happy Engineer than ever before.

You will gain deep insights into how you can move from any emotion into authentic happiness.

And my guest will show you why that shift creates an experience of effortless success.

Meet my friend Robert Mack, an Ivy League-Educated, Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, Best-Selling Author, and Television Host & Producer.

His work has been endorsed by Oprah, Vanessa Williams, Lisa Nichols, and many others including me (your host, Zach White)! You are going to love this man.

Robert coaches individuals from all walks of life – including professional athletes, popular entertainers, senior executives, and everyday people alike – and consults with organizations of all kinds, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twilio, Microsoft, SalesForce, Deloitte Consulting, Capital One, and many others.

So press play and let’s chat… for a blend of ivy-league science and timeless, transcendental wisdom!

087: The 4 Must-Have Traits for Engineers to Build a Business from $0 to $1 MILLION in 3 Years (or Less) with Nicky Billou | CEO

087: The 4 Must-Have Traits for Engineers to Build a Business from $0 to $1 MILLION in 3 Years (or Less) with Nicky Billou | CEO

In this episode, meet host of the #1 podcast in the world on thought leadership and international best-selling author of the book, “Finish Line Thinking: How to Think and Win Like a Champion”, Nicky Billou.

Nicky has interviewed over 300 of the world’s top thought leaders. He helps entrepreneurs to apply this timeless wisdom and scale their businesses by 7-9 figures through his own coaching company, eCircle Academy.

You are going to learn the 4 traits you need to build a successful $1 million dollar business in 3 years or less.

And the great news is that these same 4 traits will guarantee you a successful career as well.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to make the difference you were born to make!

086: How to Create Authentic Personal Happiness and Effortless Professional Success with Robert Mack | Celebrity Happiness Coach

086: How to Create Authentic Personal Happiness and Effortless Professional Success with Robert Mack | Celebrity Happiness Coach

In this episode, we go deeper into the HAPPY side of The Happy Engineer than ever before.

You will gain deep insights into how you can move from any emotion into authentic happiness.

And my guest will show you why that shift creates an experience of effortless success.

Meet my friend Robert Mack, an Ivy League-Educated, Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, Best-Selling Author, and Television Host & Producer.

His work has been endorsed by Oprah, Vanessa Williams, Lisa Nichols, and many others including me (your host, Zach White)! You are going to love this man.

Robert coaches individuals from all walks of life – including professional athletes, popular entertainers, senior executives, and everyday people alike – and consults with organizations of all kinds, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twilio, Microsoft, SalesForce, Deloitte Consulting, Capital One, and many others.

So press play and let’s chat… for a blend of ivy-league science and timeless, transcendental wisdom!

085: Career Success Toolkit – Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You with Mark Herschberg | CTO | Author | MIT Instructor

085: Career Success Toolkit – Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You with Mark Herschberg | CTO | Author | MIT Instructor

In this episode, we cover the essential skills for success that no one taught you.

Meet Mark Herschberg, a software engineering and cryptography expert, author, career builder, entrepreneur, and instructor for MIT’s “career success accelerator.”

The truth is that your engineering degree was not designed with success at work in mind. Colleges and universities have tried to address the problem, but the root causes go too deep. And frankly, it’s not their job to help you succeed at work. That’s YOUR job.

You must develop these skills, and even more importantly PRACTICE them, if you want to accelerate your career!

We cover the best way to do that in this conversation. If you’ll implement what Mark and I share, you’ll see change and growth faster than you can imagine.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to optimize your career & life for what really matters!

084: My Top 3 Books on Habits & Biggest Insights for Personal Change with Zach White | World’s Best Lifestyle Engineer

084: My Top 3 Books on Habits & Biggest Insights for Personal Change with Zach White | World’s Best Lifestyle Engineer

In this episode, meet Lion Goodman, a leader whose near-death experience kick-started five decades of research into the nature of consciousness, developmental psychology, spirituality and healing.

At the age of 26, Lion was shot in the head four times.

He survived.

He has since created the Clear Beliefs Method of trauma-informed therapeutic coaching, which he has taught to more than 500 coaches, healers and therapists around the world.

This powerful practice can eliminate a client’s limiting or negative belief from their subconscious mind, heal a childhood wound, or resolve a trauma from the past in a single session.

You will take away more than a great story from this conversation.

This is an actionable understanding of beliefs and the mind which can change your life forever if you’ll do the work.

So press play and let’s chat… because OH MY GOODNESS he got shot four times!

083: How 4 Bullets to the Head (& Surviving) Led to 5 Decades of Consciousness Research (& Thriving) with Lion Goodman | Transformational Coach

083: How 4 Bullets to the Head (& Surviving) Led to 5 Decades of Consciousness Research (& Thriving) with Lion Goodman | Transformational Coach

In this episode, meet Lion Goodman, a leader whose near-death experience kick-started five decades of research into the nature of consciousness, developmental psychology, spirituality and healing.

At the age of 26, Lion was shot in the head four times.

He survived.

He has since created the Clear Beliefs Method of trauma-informed therapeutic coaching, which he has taught to more than 500 coaches, healers and therapists around the world.

This powerful practice can eliminate a client’s limiting or negative belief from their subconscious mind, heal a childhood wound, or resolve a trauma from the past in a single session.

You will take away more than a great story from this conversation.

This is an actionable understanding of beliefs and the mind which can change your life forever if you’ll do the work.

So press play and let’s chat… because OH MY GOODNESS he got shot four times!

082: Avoid $1 Million Dollar Management Mistakes! Entrepreneurial Tips for Careers with Dan Cumberland | 3x SaaS Founder

082: Avoid $1 Million Dollar Management Mistakes! Entrepreneurial Tips for Careers with Dan Cumberland | 3x SaaS Founder

In this episode, we chat with 3x SaaS (Software as a Service) company Founder, Product Strategist with the Venture Studio NineTwoThree, and host of a top 1% podcast, Dan Cumberland.

We cover what every engineering leader who wants to start their own company needs to hear. The cool part is that these ideas will help employees in your leadership just as much as entrepreneurs!

When do you know it’s time to start? How do you accelerate success and avoid huge mistakes? Am I really an entrepreneur? How do I balance business with life outside the company?

Dan and I answer these questions and more.

His work has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, and many more. You will see why when you meet him. I loved this conversation!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to save yourself $1 million dollars in self management mistakes!

081: The 6 Essential Core Values of Leadership with David Valentine | Marketing Madman and $$ Billion Dollar Leader

081: The 6 Essential Core Values of Leadership with David Valentine | Marketing Madman and $$ Billion Dollar Leader

In this episode, you are going to meet a serial entrepreneur, investor, and marketing madman David Valentine. Dave owns 7 businesses which have generated over a billion dollars collectively for over 1000 clients including major brands and fortune 100 companies like Target, Time Magazine and American Express.

When his doctor asked him at the age of 29 “Are you prepared for your heart attack?” He realized he needed to learn how to scale businesses without the stress killing him.

Dave now runs his companies from the mountains next to a river and 3 waterfalls. What he has learned is a powerful set of core values that shape everything about how he leads and builds his company.

You will want to write these 6 values down, and an incredible insight I’ve never heard about values before.

So press play and let’s chat… you’re about to discover how to scale your career with one great impression!

080: Powerful 22-minute 2022 Reflection Exercise & Big News for The Happy Engineer Podcast in 2023 with Zach White

080: Powerful 22-minute 2022 Reflection Exercise & Big News for The Happy Engineer Podcast in 2023 with Zach White

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy the fourth edition of our fan-favorite Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me about what to do when you have a micromanaging boss (who kills your motivation), and how to provide bigger value to the company (when your boss has no projects for you to tackle right now).

Thank you to Hadi, a Principal Engineer in Aerospace, and Sean, a Systems Engineer in Automotive, for sending me your questions!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

079: Career Burnout Recovery and Prevention Secrets with Michael Levitt – Chief Burnout Officer

079: Career Burnout Recovery and Prevention Secrets with Michael Levitt – Chief Burnout Officer

Have you experienced BURNOUT? Are you there now? Why are more engineers than ever before feeling burned out?

In this episode, you will meet the Chief Burnout Officer himself, Michael Levitt. Previously a leading healthcare executive managing $2 billion dollar budgets, he is now a global thought leader on workplace culture.

Michael experienced a massive burnout of his own in 2009, where over a period of 369 days, the following happened:

– A heart attack that should’ve killed him.
– Lost his job during the economic recession.
– Had his car repossessed.
– And had his home foreclosed.

Talk about a year of worst-case scenarios! Yet Michael sees this as a positive, because it gave him a second chance to rebuild from scratch, and learn how to prevent burnout permanently.

He’s going to bring that wisdom and actionable insights for daily life to build your career without suffering burnout.

So press play and let’s chat… so you can avoid your own year of worst-case scenarios!

078: From Half-Dressed in a Ditch to Senior Partner & Board Member in 3 Years with Tommy Breedlove – Legendary CEO

078: From Half-Dressed in a Ditch to Senior Partner & Board Member in 3 Years with Tommy Breedlove – Legendary CEO

Want to be a legend? How strong are you?

Not just your physical muscles. Your heart muscles? Your mind muscles? Your soul muscles?

In this episode, meet a man who knows how important it is to do the work and strengthen your whole person, the Legendary CEO, Tommy Breedlove.

While living a “Wolf of Wall Street” life, Tommy woke up flat on his back, lying in a ditch half-dressed, unsure how he got there, feeling alone… and decided it was time to change his life.

Just 3 years later he had doubled his (already extremely high) income, made Senior Partner, and was elected to the Board of Directors at age 39 when everyone else was in their 60’s.

More importantly, his marriage went from life-support to rock-solid, and his life went from loud uncertainty to quiet confidence.

Tommy is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Book, “Legendary” and the founder of the Legendary Life Movement.… A movement that empowers driven people to be Pros in Leadership, Business, Mindset, & their Relationships.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to stop chasing the ghost of “more” & “when” and lean-in to the Legendary leader and human you were born to be!

077: Can You Do the Impossible? How to Overcome Any Disadvantage with Jessica Cox – the World’s 1st Armless Pilot

077: Can You Do the Impossible? How to Overcome Any Disadvantage with Jessica Cox – the World’s 1st Armless Pilot

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy the fourth edition of our fan-favorite Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me about what to do when you have a micromanaging boss (who kills your motivation), and how to provide bigger value to the company (when your boss has no projects for you to tackle right now).

Thank you to Hadi, a Principal Engineer in Aerospace, and Sean, a Systems Engineer in Automotive, for sending me your questions!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

076: Q&A #4 with Zach White | Dealing with a Micromanager Boss who Kills Your Motivation | How to Add More Value in Your Role Right Now

076: Q&A #4 with Zach White | Dealing with a Micromanager Boss who Kills Your Motivation | How to Add More Value in Your Role Right Now

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy the fourth edition of our fan-favorite Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me about what to do when you have a micromanaging boss (who kills your motivation), and how to provide bigger value to the company (when your boss has no projects for you to tackle right now).

Thank you to Hadi, a Principal Engineer in Aerospace, and Sean, a Systems Engineer in Automotive, for sending me your questions!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

075: Stop Getting Stuck in Your Head by Integrating Science and Spirit with Dr. Daniel Harner

075: Stop Getting Stuck in Your Head by Integrating Science and Spirit with Dr. Daniel Harner

Do you struggle with analysis-paralysis? Overthinking?

Engineering leaders thrive on intelligence… But what do you do when you are stuck in your head?

In this episode, you will see what extreme intelligence combined with extraordinary heartfelt emotion looks like in my good friend, Dr. Daniel Harner.

Some people call Dr. Harner a psycho-spiritual mentor, therapist, healer, spiritual guide, wizard, Carl Jung 2.0, researcher and explorer. The truth is, Daniel is a blend of all of that.

Originally from Austria, he transplanted himself to Sedona, Arizona at the age of 24 in order to deeply immerse himself in the study and practice of psychotherapy and psycho-spiritual transformation and healing, alongside some of the world’s most esteemed psychotherapists, spiritual teachers, researchers, and healers.

Daniel holds a Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Psychology, a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology, and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He is the smartest person in the room, but he’s not stuck in his head.

So press play and let’s chat… as we discover how to integrate ourselves fully, both in science and spirit!

074: Proof that Anything is Possible in Engineering Your Career and Life with Pete Wilson

074: Proof that Anything is Possible in Engineering Your Career and Life with Pete Wilson

What does it really look like to “go green” in your industry?

How is sustainability changing the landscape of the work you do every day? More importantly, how are the trends going to change what that looks like over the next decade?

In this episode, discover how leadership in energy and environmental design goes beyond the four walls of construction and civil engineering with CEO of Green Building Education Services, Charlie Cichetti.

Charlie is one of the world’s leading experts in green buildings and sustainability, and has supported over 150,000 leaders in advancing their credentials and practice in the industry.

We cover important trends in healthy buildings after the pandemic and everyone needs to know if you work in an office building, and have a debate around the merit of certifications and credentials as the pathway to career advancement.

And don’t miss the challenge for you in the episode debrief.

So press play and let’s chat… because every engineering leader needs to look at what green will mean for your career!

073: How to Go Green and Advance Your Career Credentials in Sustainability & LEED with Charlie Cichetti

073: How to Go Green and Advance Your Career Credentials in Sustainability & LEED with Charlie Cichetti

What does it really look like to “go green” in your industry?

How is sustainability changing the landscape of the work you do every day? More importantly, how are the trends going to change what that looks like over the next decade?

In this episode, discover how leadership in energy and environmental design goes beyond the four walls of construction and civil engineering with CEO of Green Building Education Services, Charlie Cichetti.

Charlie is one of the world’s leading experts in green buildings and sustainability, and has supported over 150,000 leaders in advancing their credentials and practice in the industry.

We cover important trends in healthy buildings after the pandemic and everyone needs to know if you work in an office building, and have a debate around the merit of certifications and credentials as the pathway to career advancement.

And don’t miss the challenge for you in the episode debrief.

So press play and let’s chat… because every engineering leader needs to look at what green will mean for your career!

072: Make Winning a Lifestyle and Stop Settling for a Runner-Up Mindset with James Reid

072: Make Winning a Lifestyle and Stop Settling for a Runner-Up Mindset with James Reid

You’ve heard about the Great Resignation, but what are the long term impacts of this shift in the workplace?

How is this impacting your company, or your own career path?

Why are leading experts saying this is quickly becoming the Great Regret?

In this episode, I’m honored to welcome back an incredible coach, CEO, and dear friend, Kon Apostolopoulos. We answer these questions and more based on thousands of hours spent coaching and consulting with industry leaders during the Great Resignation.

Every engineering leader from IC to VP needs to hear this conversation.

Coach Kon is a speaker, author, and sought-after expert in performance and change management that has delivered hundreds of workshops and events for leaders in North America and Europe. His work helping leaders navigate a crisis during the global pandemic has set him apart as a leading voice in how to build high performance teams during challenging times.

So press play and let’s chat… so you don’t look back on your career decisions with regret!

071: Why the Great Resignation is Quickly Becoming the Great Regret with Kon Apostolopoulos

071: Why the Great Resignation is Quickly Becoming the Great Regret with Kon Apostolopoulos

You’ve heard about the Great Resignation, but what are the long term impacts of this shift in the workplace?

How is this impacting your company, or your own career path?

Why are leading experts saying this is quickly becoming the Great Regret?

In this episode, I’m honored to welcome back an incredible coach, CEO, and dear friend, Kon Apostolopoulos. We answer these questions and more based on thousands of hours spent coaching and consulting with industry leaders during the Great Resignation.

Every engineering leader from IC to VP needs to hear this conversation.

Coach Kon is a speaker, author, and sought-after expert in performance and change management that has delivered hundreds of workshops and events for leaders in North America and Europe. His work helping leaders navigate a crisis during the global pandemic has set him apart as a leading voice in how to build high performance teams during challenging times.

So press play and let’s chat… so you don’t look back on your career decisions with regret!

070: Avoid the #1 Enemy of Excellence and Learn How to Leave Your Legacy with Aaron Walker

070: Avoid the #1 Enemy of Excellence and Learn How to Leave Your Legacy with Aaron Walker

What will people remember about you when you’re gone? What impact are you making through your work and life?

Will anybody care?

In this episode, we get into the powerful turnaround story of Aaron Walker, affectionately known as “Big A.” He has founded more than a dozen companies over the past 42 years and has appeared on more than 2000 podcast interviews! After this episode, you’ll understand why he keeps getting invited back.

His story includes deep trauma, challenge, and the feeling of chains around his neck. But it is also a story of redemption, love, and courage!

Aaron attributes much of his success to having surrounded himself with his mastermind counterparts. Aaron spent a decade meeting weekly with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham, and 5 other amazing entrepreneurs.

He is the founder of Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind that now hosts 20 groups with National and International members. Aaron is the author of View From The Top, a must-read to fully understand how to live a life of success and significance. He is a happy native of Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Robin of 40 years, and he has 2 incredible daughters and 5 beautiful grandchildren.

So press play and let’s chat… because when you look back on your life, you’ll want to know it mattered.

069: Unlock the Power of Your Personal Brand & Design Your Digital Reputation with Erik Cabral

069: Unlock the Power of Your Personal Brand & Design Your Digital Reputation with Erik Cabral

Is having a personal brand and building influence through your digital reputation important as an engineering leader?

What is personal branding anyway, and why does it matter?

In this episode, meet the most interesting man at the barbeque, Erik Cabral. He is an expert in branding and will answer these questions and more in our conversation.

We talk about why every engineering leader needs to intentionally design your digital reputation.

After building a successful career in corporate America over 20+ years, Erik jumped head first into real estate investing in order to achieve financial freedom. That was just the beginning.

Erik is Founder of the media agency, On Air Brands. He’s Founder of the real estate investment company, Mindado Investment Group. He is host, co-host, and producer on multiple top shows: Entrepreneurs Circle, Capital Hacking, Cashflow Ninja, and more. He is the quintessential “serial entrepreneur” who spends much of his time helping others grow their businesses, brands, and reputation.

Erik loves to share his decades of experience in personal branding and creative marketing strategies, especially for individuals slow to adopt the critical importance of a digital reputation.

So press play and let’s chat… your influence, and therefore your career success, depends on it.

068: Why Working Harder Does Not Work with the World’s Best Unconscious Beliefs Specialist – Tim Shurr

068: Why Working Harder Does Not Work with the World’s Best Unconscious Beliefs Specialist – Tim Shurr

Do you work hard? Are you chasing success in your career and life? You’re not alone.

Here’s the problem. What you chase… runs away!

What if you could change one belief, and start seeing success come toward you instead?

In this episode, meet the World’s Best Unconscious Beliefs Specialist, Tim Shurr.

He is the foremost expert on freeing people from anxiety, past trauma, and bad habits that sabotage your success. He is the creator of the revolutionary One Belief Away™ Method developed through facilitating over 15,000 individual Hypnosis coaching sessions and hundreds of group training experiences over the last 34 years.

Tim explains why working harder and getting smarter is not the answer, especially for engineering leaders like you.

We cover a powerful technique for self-coaching, to expose blocks and barriers in your career growth. Tim also shows you how to use fear to your advantage.

So press play and let’s chat… because the next level in your career and life is just one belief away!

067: How Data Science and Machine Learning Lead to Optimizing Your Life with Kristen Kehrer

067: How Data Science and Machine Learning Lead to Optimizing Your Life with Kristen Kehrer

What does the future of data science and machine learning have to teach you about life?

How can you take the best parts of your work life and use them to optimize your home life?

In this episode, we follow the data and learn as we go with Developer Advocate at CometML, Kristen Kehrer. She has been awarded “LinkedIn Top Voice” in data science and continues to share remarkable content with her audience of over 88,000 technical leaders.

Her passion for machine learning is mirrored by passion for optimizing her life, and we explore both together today.

Kristen is a former Data Science instructor at UC Berkeley Ext, Faculty/SME at Emeritus Institute of Management and Founder of Data Moves Me, LLC. Kristen holds an MS in Applied Statistics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a BS in Mathematics.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to take a look at the data of our lives and iterate to the next level!

066: Q&A #3 with Zach White – The Best Morning Routines for Engineering Leaders and Advice for Student Engineers

066: Q&A #3 with Zach White – The Best Morning Routines for Engineering Leaders and Advice for Student Engineers

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy the third edition of our new Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me about morning routines (what is most important, and to share my own routine!), and what advice I would have for the Happy Engineers who are still in college (given what I know now).

Thank you to Nick, a Director of Engineering in Software Development, and Maria, a college student at the University of Michigan studying Mechanical Engineering, for sending me your questions!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

065: The 3 Keys to Optimal Mental Health for High-Achieving Engineers with Dr. Shahana Alibhai

065: The 3 Keys to Optimal Mental Health for High-Achieving Engineers with Dr. Shahana Alibhai

What is the common denominator of every challenge in your life?

How are money problems, sickness, relationship issues, traumas, career roadblocks, and everything else holding you back from your dream life connected?

In this episode, Dr. Shahana Alibhai answers that question. She is a lead physician at one of British Columbia’s largest youth health centers, and is best known for her “Emotional Literacy for Better Mental Health” TEDx talk. Check it out.

Dr. Shahana’s career is focused on those struggling with their mental health. I love her simple mental health framework, a pyramid with 3 actionable elements we can all implement starting now.

Remember that success does not mean you won’t have problems.

Success means you have better problems!

So press play and let’s chat… because mental health is meant-for-all health!

064: How to Become WHO You Want to Become in Your Engineering Career with Jeff Perry

064: How to Become WHO You Want to Become in Your Engineering Career with Jeff Perry

What is your dream for your engineering career? Who do you want to become?

How does coaching help you get there?

In this episode, fellow Engineering Career Coach and my good friend, Jeff Perry, is going to show you how.

We use real stories of real engineers to help you understand the power and practice of career coaching.

Jeff is a mechanical and software engineering leader turned leadership coach for engineers. His unique approach helps you create clarity on your goals, take ambitious action, make intentional career moves, and level-up fast.

Have you ever wondered if coaching is for you, or how to become a better coach yourself? Then this conversation is what you’ve been waiting for.

So press play and let’s chat… your free coaching session is about to begin!

063: Why Pain Produces More Growth Than Happiness Ever Could with Lilly Rachels

063: Why Pain Produces More Growth Than Happiness Ever Could with Lilly Rachels

Imagine the FBI coming to your office today with news that you are on an ISIS kill list… What would you do next?

How do you respond to pivotal moments in your career and life?

In this episode, you will get a powerful lesson in technology, and life, from Tom Kirkham. Tom is Founder and CEO of IronTech Security.

After receiving life-altering news from the FBI, and taking a multi-year sabbatical to get off the grid, he is now on a mission to protect companies and individuals from cyber attacks.

Every engineering leader who uses a computer needs to hear this one. So yeah, that’s you.

IronTech provides cybersecurity defense systems, and focuses on educating and encouraging organizations to establish a security-first environment. You would too if a data breach meant you became a terrorist target.

So press play and let’s chat… so you no longer underestimate the risk we all face online!

062: Cybersecurity Attacks and Terrorism – How to Reduce Your Risk with Tom Kirkham

062: Cybersecurity Attacks and Terrorism – How to Reduce Your Risk with Tom Kirkham

Imagine the FBI coming to your office today with news that you are on an ISIS kill list… What would you do next?

How do you respond to pivotal moments in your career and life?

In this episode, you will get a powerful lesson in technology, and life, from Tom Kirkham. Tom is Founder and CEO of IronTech Security.

After receiving life-altering news from the FBI, and taking a multi-year sabbatical to get off the grid, he is now on a mission to protect companies and individuals from cyber attacks.

Every engineering leader who uses a computer needs to hear this one. So yeah, that’s you.

IronTech provides cybersecurity defense systems, and focuses on educating and encouraging organizations to establish a security-first environment. You would too if a data breach meant you became a terrorist target.

So press play and let’s chat… so you no longer underestimate the risk we all face online!

061: How Four Colors Will Transform Your Career and Life with Angela Proffitt

061: How Four Colors Will Transform Your Career and Life with Angela Proffitt

What could a morgue, a mental hospital, a private island, and celebrity weddings possibly have in common?

And why should any engineering leader care? Today you’ll find out.

In this episode, meet the amazing Angela Proffitt, Founder of GSD Creative.

She is a productivity expert (Get Sh*t Done), top 1% globally ranked podcast host, celebrity wedding & event planner, speaker and author that travels the world, helping CEO’s, executives, and entrepreneurs grow their company brand.

Her Clients are the top leaders in their industry, investing massive amounts into curated experiences, and Angela has had to master communication and psychology to herd cats and drive results.

You will get her number one secret to success for engineering leaders today.

So press play and let’s chat… so you don’t end up in the morgue or the mental hospital!

Then join The Happy Engineer Community online and get access to bonus content and coaching in our free group >>

060: The 2 Biggest Mistakes in Job Hunting and How to Land a Dream Job with Cassandra Thompson

060: The 2 Biggest Mistakes in Job Hunting and How to Land a Dream Job with Cassandra Thompson

Are you tired of job hunting and networking advice that isn’t even realistic?

“Go have coffee with someone every day for 40 days.”

Sure thing coach, and meanwhile you can do my job for me and come babysit my kids!

In this episode, you will meet Cassandra Thompson, a globally recognized speaker whose work casting contestants for Wheel of Fortune, strategizing on the recruitment team at Riot Games, and coaching ambitious professionals made her into a networking paragon.

She has helped over 100,000 subscribed job-seekers on YouTube, sharing her powerful insights and advice in free video coaching with MILLIONS of views.

Near the end of our chat, Cassandra shares two things you MUST NOT DO when preparing for a career move.

So press play and let’s chat… because your next role is right around the corner!

Then join The Happy Engineer Community online and get access to bonus content and coaching in our free group >>

059: Q&A #2 with Zach White – How to Ask for a Raise and How to Deal with Peer Pressure that Leads to Long Hours and Burnout

059: Q&A #2 with Zach White – How to Ask for a Raise and How to Deal with Peer Pressure that Leads to Long Hours and Burnout

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy the second edition of our new Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me to help you go to your leader for a raise (who doesn’t want that?), and how to deal with peers who are putting pressure on you to work longer hours (and you’re headed toward burnout).

Thank you to Matt, a Senior Engineer in Aerospace, and Kayleigh, a Technical Project Manager & Full Stack Developer, for sending me your questions!

Want to continue the conversation about these topics and more? Join our new and growing community of engineering leaders in a free private group! Our goal is to do more than provide ideas and information, but to help you put them into action. Check it out here:

We all have questions, and this is the place to ask ‘em!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

058: Lies You Believe that Limit Your Wealth and Happiness with Robert Peterson

058: Lies You Believe that Limit Your Wealth and Happiness with Robert Peterson

Are you a liar? Is the negative voice in your head really you?

Where does the devil on your shoulder come from?

In this episode, we examine the stories of your life with Robert Peterson. He is host of the Add Value 2 Entrepreneurs Podcast and Founder of Add Value 2 Life Coaching.

He began his own entrepreneurial journey after 20 years in ministry and before that, service as a United States Marine. Now Robert helps you shift your mindset and reach your dreams.

With over 20 years of coaching leaders, Robert offers a unique perspective guiding professionals to get out of your own way as he helps you see what is written on the instructions outside the box that you’re sitting in.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to find the true story of your career and life!

Then join The Happy Engineer Community online and get access to bonus content and coaching in our free group >>

057: You Do You – How to Unleash Your Authentic Superpowers with Erin Hatzikostas

057: You Do You – How to Unleash Your Authentic Superpowers with Erin Hatzikostas

Hurl aside the crusty old career advice you’ve likely heard for way too long: lean in, executive presence, networking, blah, blah, blah.

There’s a better way to have success and get great results.

An approach that will produce a massive win-win: you do succeed, you don’t sell out.

In this episode, discover that approach with former 9-figure CEO turned Professional Pot-Stirrer, Erin Hatzikostas. She is on a hell-bent mission to help people have the big career they deserve, without compromising everything else.

This conversation is raw and hilarious!

Erin is a best-selling author, career coach, TEDx / keynote speaker, and podcast host. As a former corporate executive, she became the CEO of a 9-figure company at the age of 42. In just 3 years, she tripled earnings and sent employee engagement skyrocketing.

So press play and let’s chat… because she’s about to tell you how!

056: Unpack the 3P’s of Your Purpose in Life with Cartwright Morris

056: Unpack the 3P’s of Your Purpose in Life with Cartwright Morris

Do you know what Mountain Lions and Engineering Careers have in common?

Have you ever felt restless, discontent, or even hopeless?

In this episode, you’ll be on the edge of your seat as you meet the Founder of Men Are Forged, Cartwright Morris, a podcaster, certified coach, and thought leader for men wanting to discover and define their life’s purpose.

Unpack the 3Ps of your Purpose in life, and how they can help you find clarity and deeper meaning at work.

Cartwright may have been lost and hopeless in his 20’s, but he now has over 2000 hours of coaching and mentoring and has spent 10+ years managing and developing leaders at organizations like The Center For Executive Leadership, JH Ranch, and Heaven in Business in California using his own story and transformation to help change lives.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to escape the mouth of the lion’s den!

Then join The Happy Engineer Community online and get access to bonus content and coaching in our free group >>

055: Ask Someone to Take a Risk on YOU with Michael Maturo

055: Ask Someone to Take a Risk on YOU with Michael Maturo

What makes a career move risky? Is your current job safe?

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Is that true?

In this episode, meet a leader whose life-long passion is helping people improve themselves with the connective power of technology, Michael Maturo.

Michael is a Solutions Engineer at, supporting top-notch Account Executives and working closely with the C-Suites of Series A/B/C technology companies. After hearing this interview, you might call his career path risky.

But not Michael.

In the past six years, he has undergone great personal transformation as well, traveling to meet friends around the world, settling in upstate New York, and feeling like he’s following the quantum flow of life.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to create a solution for your engineering career!

Then join The Happy Engineer community online and share your next action step in our free group:

054: Stop Destroying Your #1 Advantage to Career Success with Susan Birch

054: Stop Destroying Your #1 Advantage to Career Success with Susan Birch

Do you know the most important function of your body, and why it’s incredibly important to your success?

Are you struggling with stress? Burnout?

What if your negative stress at work is actually caused by something completely different, and has nothing to do with your work at all?

In this episode, meet the Health Detective and World’s Best Self-Care Coach, Susan Birch. She holds a Masters Degree in Health Sciences, and Postgraduate Diplomas in Sports Medicine, Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, COP Musculoskeletal Medicine, and COP Community Nutrition from Otago University.

Susan has spent a lifetime challenging the mainstream dogma about exercise and nutrition. She understands the challenges people face in finding accurate, science-based nutrition and health information.

But beyond her 40 years of experience changing lives through changing the body, the real reason you will be changed by this conversation is her courage.

Susan contracted meningococcal meningitis when she was two years old, which left her with seemingly insurmountable odds against academic success. She overcame those odds, and is one of the brightest minds in her field.

So press play and let’s chat… your body, and your life, depends on it!

Then join The Happy Engineer community online and share your next action step in our free group:

053: Grit and Failure – Being Tested Beyond Your Limits with Dana Sherrell

053: Grit and Failure – Being Tested Beyond Your Limits with Dana Sherrell

PASSION or GRIT? Which one will help you build the career of your dreams?

And if it’s both, what does that really look like?

In this episode, meet Vice President of Engineering at Boulevard, Dana Sherrell. Her leadership success spans a variety of technology companies including SendGrid, Advatech Pacific, Optivus Technology, and Senior Director of Engineering at Twilio where she oversaw their entire email platform group.

Dana understands the challenges of building technology for massive scale. We’re talking BILLIONS of emails.

She also understands the challenges of building a career for meaning, impact, and happiness in your zone of genius.

One of those challenges is your ego. Dana explains how ego almost derailed her career and how to deal with it. She also gives some sage advice on how passion and grit show up in the workplace.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time for the genius in you to come out!

052: Why to Celebrate Change and Disruption with The Tao of TA-DA Joel Zeff

052: Why to Celebrate Change and Disruption with The Tao of TA-DA Joel Zeff

Harmonicas are magic, did you know that? If you were live on stage, doing improv, and someone handed you a magic harmonica… What would you do with it?

How often do you celebrate in your career and life? Monthly? Weekly? Daily? HOURLY?

In this episode, enjoy an incredibly fun and mindset-shifting conversation with workplace expert, speaker, author, and humorist, Joel Zeff. For nearly 25 years, Joel has entertained and helped transform countless leaders at over 2,500 events through his unique blend of hilarious improvisational comedy and essential ideas on work and life.

In 1991, Joel made the news with his magic harmonica. I know you’ll love his story.

The Tao of TA-DA is here to celebrate with you. More importantly, he’s going to teach you how (and why) you need to celebrate the “TA-DA” moments of your daily life. Joel understands that change is not optional, and learning how to thrive under the immense pressure of sudden disruption will accelerate your career.

It will lower your stress levels too.

So press play and let’s chat… because your biggest TA-DA of the day is right now!

051: Q&A #1 with Zach White – How to Be More Productive and How to Make Tradeoffs Between Company Size and Title

051: Q&A #1 with Zach White – How to Be More Productive and How to Make Tradeoffs Between Company Size and Title

You ask the questions, and host Zach White answers! Enjoy our new Q&A series.

In this episode, you asked me to tackle the common challenge of increasing personal productivity, and how to make tough tradeoffs when looking at new job opportunities.

Thank you to Isaac, a Senior Engineering Manager in Hardware Development, and Shah, a Global Project Engineering Manager, for sending me your questions!

Want to continue the conversation about these topics and more? Join our new community of engineering leaders in a free private Facebook group! Our goal is to do more than provide ideas and information, but to help you put them into action. Check it out here:

We all have questions, and this is the place to ask ‘em!

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to get some answers.

050: How to Get a Seat at the Billion $$ Table with Casey Tubman

050: How to Get a Seat at the Billion $$ Table with Casey Tubman

Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? How often? Have you ever considered that your brain might not be built for the demands engineering leaders put on it?

And do you know the #1 stressor on your body and nervous system?

In this episode, meet CEO, Psychotherapist, and Functional Nutrition Coach, Michel Bordeau. He is creator of the Loyalty 2 Self program where he has helped hundreds of leaders avoid burnout and be strong in body and mind.

He shares his own emotional discovery of being on the autistic spectrum, which he did not know until his adult years, and how that realization changed his life as a therapist and coach.

Michel shows us how the body is a system of systems, and how we create the out-of-balance conditions of self-inflicted emotional exhaustion and burnout.

Plus, we cover some of the most actionable tips to recovery you will find anywhere.

So press play and let’s chat…because the truth is your burn-OUT is really a burn-IN!

049: Are You Tired? Eliminate Emotional Exhaustion Now (or Experience Burnout) with Michel Bordeau

049: Are You Tired? Eliminate Emotional Exhaustion Now (or Experience Burnout) with Michel Bordeau

Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? How often? Have you ever considered that your brain might not be built for the demands engineering leaders put on it?

And do you know the #1 stressor on your body and nervous system?

In this episode, meet CEO, Psychotherapist, and Functional Nutrition Coach, Michel Bordeau. He is creator of the Loyalty 2 Self program where he has helped hundreds of leaders avoid burnout and be strong in body and mind.

He shares his own emotional discovery of being on the autistic spectrum, which he did not know until his adult years, and how that realization changed his life as a therapist and coach.

Michel shows us how the body is a system of systems, and how we create the out-of-balance conditions of self-inflicted emotional exhaustion and burnout.

Plus, we cover some of the most actionable tips to recovery you will find anywhere.

So press play and let’s chat…because the truth is your burn-OUT is really a burn-IN!

048: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Feeling Stuck with Joli Fytczyk

048: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Feeling Stuck with Joli Fytczyk

Imagine your favorite video game. What is it you love about that game? What makes it so fun to play?

Now imagine “real life” for a moment. What if your real life was actually a video game?

In this episode, enter the matrix with Founder of Edge Theory Labs and former Director of Operations at High Impact Coaching, Joshua Church. He helps high performers stress less and achieve more, is a sought-after coach around the world, leads transformational retreats in remote locations, and helps you operate as a more happy, healthy, and successful human being.

And we talk extensively about video games.

More specifically, how your real life can be reframed as a game, and how this mindset is not about escaping reality… but bringing peace and power into every moment.

You will learn how to upgrade your own operating system, so you can play this game of life at a higher level.

So press play and let’s chat…because it’s time to take the controller into your own hands!

047: Win the Game of Life and Beat the Boss Level with Joshua Church

047: Win the Game of Life and Beat the Boss Level with Joshua Church

Imagine your favorite video game. What is it you love about that game? What makes it so fun to play?

Now imagine “real life” for a moment. What if your real life was actually a video game?

In this episode, enter the matrix with Founder of Edge Theory Labs and former Director of Operations at High Impact Coaching, Joshua Church. He helps high performers stress less and achieve more, is a sought-after coach around the world, leads transformational retreats in remote locations, and helps you operate as a more happy, healthy, and successful human being.

And we talk extensively about video games.

More specifically, how your real life can be reframed as a game, and how this mindset is not about escaping reality… but bringing peace and power into every moment.

You will learn how to upgrade your own operating system, so you can play this game of life at a higher level.

So press play and let’s chat…because it’s time to take the controller into your own hands!

046: How to Be Happy AND Successful with Diego Rebosio

046: How to Be Happy AND Successful with Diego Rebosio

What is success? Is life about being happy now, or big goals like Elon Musk? Do you have to choose?

How can you have BOTH?

In this episode, you will be drawn into the wisdom of Diego Rebosio, the CEO and Founder of Oshyn, Inc. My mind is blown every time I talk with this guy, and yours will be too.

Founded in 2001 to help customers achieve digital transformation, Diego’s team at Oshyn is helping brands achieve breakthrough sales and interactions via smarter technology. He is an engineer at heart, and a powerful leader.

We cover nuggets of wisdom ranging from why engineering leaders struggle so often with anxiety, how the engineering mind interferes with happiness, to the art of saying “No” at work.

Get into the head of an engineering leader who is very happy, AND very successful, and maintaining that balance over the long term.

So press play and let’s chat… because this is your engineering class on happiness!

045: Master Your Mental Edge with Nerd and Navy SEAL Josiah Kauffman

045: Master Your Mental Edge with Nerd and Navy SEAL Josiah Kauffman

What’s been the toughest test of your life? Did it involve being underwater, with your instructor shutting off your oxygen, pushing your body to its physical limits, feeling immense fear, all while being graded on perfect procedures?

Did I mention most people fail, and you only get four attempts to pass?

In this episode, meet former Navy SEAL operator, Josiah Kauffman. He is a self-proclaimed complete nerd in high school, who felt a calling to serve after the tragic events of 9/11 and trained his way to the top of the top for elite warriors. He understands better than anyone the importance of having a mental edge.

After serving in combat, Josiah instructed 400+ men in Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD/S) training. Arguably the toughest training program on earth.

Now he brings his elite performance training and tactical leadership experience to the civilian sector, and is the founder of The Warrior Calling.

The nerd didn’t leave him while on tour, as Josiah also holds a Masters Degree in Cybersecurity. How many humans can teach you elite self-defense, and protect you on the internet?

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time for Basic Engineer Mental Edge training!

044: Meet Your Host of The Happy Engineer Podcast – a Reverse Interview with Zach White

044: Meet Your Host of The Happy Engineer Podcast – a Reverse Interview with Zach White

Who is this guy, Zach White? Umm… that’s me. Have you ever wondered why The Happy Engineer Podcast was started, and what convinced me to become a CEO and Lifestyle Engineering Coach?

Now is your chance to get the inside story, and ask the questions!

In this episode, the tables are turned and I’m on the other side of the microphone as your guest! I did not know where this conversation would go, because it’s not a solo show.

I’m being interviewed by behind-the-scenes man of the hour, Daniel Powell.

We dig into my own rock bottom moments with burnout and divorce.

We go back to my engineering origins and what I’ve learned that changed my life forever.

And we answer one of the most common questions I get from engineering leaders every week, “Why did you quit a super successful career to start OACO?”

PLUS, we introduce our new Q&A opportunity where you can participate in The Happy Engineer Podcast, by submitting your questions for me to answer in future episodes.

So press play and let’s chat… because now it’s your turn to ask the questions!

043: Become Your Own Superhero with Laban Ditchburn

043: Become Your Own Superhero with Laban Ditchburn

What are you the best in the world at? Most engineering leaders give a blank stare when asked that question. Full confession, so did I.

How do you become your own superhero in life?

In this episode, meet the man affectionately known as the World’s Best Courage Coach, Laban Ditchburn. He teaches people to bet on themselves.

A child badly affected by divorce, poverty and dysfunction, Laban sought validation and escapism in all the wrong places.

But through self-discovery and a ton of hard work, he conquered the full gamut of addiction—alcohol, sex, gambling, drugs, and negative self-talk.

By understanding and then reverse-engineering the root cause, giving up his addictions was almost effortless.

Now he revels in unabashedly sharing what he’s learned: How to conquer the demons you don’t know you have, and how to be unstoppable in getting to where you want to be.

So press play and let’s chat… because it’s time to bet on you!

042 BONUS: Create Your Dream Lifestyle with Charles Webb [Part 2]

042 BONUS: Create Your Dream Lifestyle with Charles Webb [Part 2]

Life is about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy a BONUS part 2 episode with Chef Charles Webb, who has gone through 92 jobs and dozens of countries in search of the lifestyle he loves.

In this episode, enjoy a freestyle conversation world-renowned #chefontour and Chicago’s #1 Private Chef, Charles Webb.

This is not our normal engineering career conversation at The Happy Engineer Podcast, and that’s on purpose. You may love the vibe of this lifestyle chat, or you may not. Either way, it’s important that we continuously expand our mindsets and ask new questions.

What is truly possible for your lifestyle?

What is your biggest, boldest dream?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

So press play and let’s chat… because food, travel, and leisure are about to open your mind (and mouth)!

041: Why Passion Must Persist with #chefontour Charles Webb [Part 1]

041: Why Passion Must Persist with #chefontour Charles Webb [Part 1]

Can you imagine having had 92 jobs, traveling to dozens of countries, experiencing yet another setback, and still showing up with passion to keep building your vision?

Would you consider passion a key ingredient of success leaders?

In this episode, meet world-renowned #chefontour Charles Webb. Chicago’s #1 Private Chef, he has been trained through his adventurous spirit.

Chef Charles’ career has taken him to Brazil, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain, New York City and beyond. He has rubbed elbows with grand consulates and bartered for spices in markets unknown to the world. He has seared fish in a fire built by hand in the Cayman Islands, roasted duck in Rio, and learned to speak six languages in between.

Chef Charles Webb holds a philosophy that every meal is a journey and should be shared, experienced and savored.

What does all this have to do with building an engineering career?

You’re about to find out.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to ignite your passion for LIFE!

040: Storytelling is Dead! Build Your Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr

040: Storytelling is Dead! Build Your Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr

Let me tell you a story about the day storytelling died. Once upon a time…

Wait, WHAT? Isn’t storytelling timeless?

In this episode, global strategist and leadership coach, Guillaume Wiatr, will show you the importance of building strategic narratives. He is the Founder of MetaHelm, a consulting firm which guides CEOs and Founders to align people and accelerate innovation adoption.

For Guillaume, traditional business storytelling is dead. Innovation happens when you build a new narrative instead. As he says, “people will pay for a story, but they will die for a narrative”.

We explore his custom 4-dimensions framework leveraged by senior executives of companies like Alaska Airlines, The Gates Foundation, AIG, L’Oréal, Google, Microsoft, and the US and French governments (to name a few).

And you can apply it to building your career.

So press play and let’s chat… How do you like that story?

039: Conquer Your Fears and Build Resilience with F-16 Pilot Waldo Waldman

039: Conquer Your Fears and Build Resilience with F-16 Pilot Waldo Waldman

Are your attempts at reaching the next level “all thrust and no vector?” Has the fuel of your passion burned out, leaving you without a victory?

Can you imagine being an Air Force F-16 fighter pilot who is afraid of heights and claustrophobic?

In this episode, be prepared to fly higher than ever before with Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman, The Wingman. He is a Hall of Fame leadership speaker, executive coach, and the author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Never Fly Solo.”

Get ready for full throttle.

As a combat decorated F-16 fighter pilot, Waldo shares gripping stories and strategies on overcoming obstacles, performing under pressure, and how to create a resilient, courageous, “One Team, One Mission” culture of collaboration and trust.

He broke through a lifelong fear of heights and overcame claustrophobia as a fighter pilot.

And he is going to show you how to break through any barrier you face.

So press play and let’s chat…because now is your time for courageous leadership!

038: The Revolution of Efficiency with Andrea Dallan

038: The Revolution of Efficiency with Andrea Dallan

How efficient are you? Is maximum efficiency a good goal?

What are the four pillars of efficiency you must implement to avoid being left behind during this industry (and life) revolution?

In this episode, I’m excited to chat with engineer, entrepreneur, and CEO of a growing global organization, Andrea Dallan. He is the author of the books “The Revolution of Efficiency” (2020) and “Think Thin” (2021).

Get ready to geek out a bit.

At least the mechanical engineers will, ha!

But this conversation is not just technical and career focused. Efficiency is important for your daily life, and Andrea is going to show you how this revolution is unfolding.

We also address the most common barriers to efficiency that we all face, every day.

So press play and let’s chat…it’s time for a revolution!

037: Multiply Your Impact by Owning Your Career with Lauren Herring

037: Multiply Your Impact by Owning Your Career with Lauren Herring

Who is responsible for your career? The answer is YOU, but do you actually know what owning your career looks like in the modern workplace?

Have you ever felt like you “missed the train” when it comes to career growth?

In this episode, you will discover the keys to owning your career. Lauren Herring is CEO of IMPACT Group, one of the largest woman-owned career and leadership coaching companies globally, supporting over 200 Fortune 500 companies, in over 50 countries worldwide.

Lauren has good news for you.

There is no train.

But that is no excuse for not taking ownership of what you need to do in order to move things forward in your career!

Lauren has received the Game Changer Award by Workforce Magazine and has been published or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fast Company.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to promote yourself to CEO of your own career!

036: Find Better Balance – 10 Alignments with Happy Hustler Cary Jack

036: Find Better Balance – 10 Alignments with Happy Hustler Cary Jack

Have you ever felt out of balance? More importantly, are you out of balance right now?

Will you score a 37 or higher on the true test of your life alignment and claim the title of Happy Hustler?

In this episode, Happy Hustler Cary Jack shares his unhappy story of imbalance, and how it led to cracking the code in his lifestyle. A lifestyle of blissful balance.

Cary is a renaissance man. He played semi-pro soccer in Barcelona, studied kung fu and tai chi from a world-renowned master, is an avid outdoorsman and horse-loving cowboy currently living in Montana, and has significant achievements in biohacking, modeling, acting, and oh yeah… entrepreneurship.

I hope you’re excited, because Cary shares his secret with you in full detail. And it’s not just for lifestyle entrepreneurs, it’s for YOU, lifestyle engineer!

It’s called SOUL MAPPIN’

And he puts me to the test :))

So press play and let’s chat… I share my score, and would love to hear yours!

035: How to Persist and Overcome Impossible Odds with Myra Nawabi

035: How to Persist and Overcome Impossible Odds with Myra Nawabi

When you look up at the night sky and see the stars, what do you feel inside? Now imagine crawling on your hands and knees, dangerously traversing the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan at night, fleeing your home at the age of six, just hoping for safety… and look up.

Now how do you feel?

In this episode, you will hear a story of overcoming impossible odds with aerospace engineering leader, Myra Nawabi.

Her resume is already impressive. Executive Director of Operations at PLX, before that a Senior Manager at Lockheed Martin, she has her Aeronautical Engineering Degree from Arizona State, a Masters in Leadership from Cal State, and Myra is just getting started.

It has not been easy.

She is a refugee who survived war in her home country. Her college professor told her she should be at home, barefoot and pregnant. She dropped out of engineering and became a teacher, leaving her lifelong dream of working in the space sector.

Then she got a second chance.

So press play and let’s chat… because Myra will inspire you to persist and overcome any challenge you face!

034: Injustice at Work – The 8 Stages of Alienation with Anton Gunn

034: Injustice at Work – The 8 Stages of Alienation with Anton Gunn

How does injustice show up in your workplace? Are you in the 5% of leaders who see injustice, are committed to change, and do something about it?

Do you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of injustice, and become alienated at work?

In this episode, I have the privilege of speaking with former senior advisor to President Barack Obama, and the world’s leading authority on Socially Conscious Leadership, Anton Gunn.

When a 6’4″ and 290 lbs former college football offensive lineman steps up to the podium at the White House, everyone in the room listens.

From being the first African American in history elected to the South Carolina legislature from his district, to now working as a C-level executive for an academic health system and serving on multiple boards, he has spent his life helping people build diverse high performing teams and world class leadership culture.

Anton has a Masters Degree in Social Work from USC and was a Resident Fellow at Harvard. He is the bestselling author of The Presidential Principles, and has been featured in TIME Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, INC Magazine, BBC, NPR, and on Good Morning America.

But what makes Anton truly great is his heart for people, and desire to help courageous leaders overcome injustice at work.

So press play and let’s chat… with one of the truly inspirational leaders of our time!

033: Break All the Rules and Win Your Career with Tammy Alvarez

033: Break All the Rules and Win Your Career with Tammy Alvarez

Do you follow the rules, or are the rules simply slowing you down? Who wrote these rules, anyway?

How does a complete knucklehead get promoted over you?

In this episode, meet CEO and Founder of Career Winners Circle, Tammy Alvarez. Her spirited “Break all the Rules” approach blends decades of C-Suite experience on Wall Street with a pragmatic, results-based coaching style.

Tammy is a renowned business transformation and turnaround expert. She held roles as a Managing Director at AIG, First Senior Vice President at Bank Leumi USA, Chief Operating Officer at Genesis10, and Senior Vice President at Bank of America.

Now she helps professionals like you create a big impact, and LOVE every Monday morning again!

Tammy believes that at the heart of every successful business are leaders who inspire courage.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to conquer fear and inspire your vision!

032: Cornerstone Habits of High Performance with Mike Szczesniak

032: Cornerstone Habits of High Performance with Mike Szczesniak

Are you succeeding beyond standard norms, consistently over the long-term, while maintaining positive wellbeing and positive relationships?

Would you like to?

Why is it so hard for you to maintain high performance without suffering burnout?

In this episode, Mike Szczesniak helps you discover the cornerstones of high performance.

Mike is President and Head Coach at The Results Engine, where he helps door-2-door sales professionals scale their production and increase commissions by a minimum of 30% in 60 days or less.

Imagine what that kind of performance boost would look like in your world, engineering leader.

These habits are not just for door-2-door sales professionals. Mike holds his degree in Computer Engineering, and worked on Wall Street after graduating from Union College in New York. His journey to high performance was not a straight line.

So press play and let’s chat… because you were meant for more than standard norms!