
174: Here’s Why Being Busy Blocks Engineering Success with Dr. Andy Garrett

174: Here’s Why Being Busy Blocks Engineering Success with Dr. Andy Garrett

In this episode, meet the world’s leading authority on identity and resilience, Dr. Andy Garrett.

Andy holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and has invested his life’s work teaching organizations how to become Radically Resilient – to maximize your successes & limit losses!

We show how the world’s definition of success is part of the problem, and why everyone walks around feeling so busy all the time. Spoiler alert, doing more is not the answer to your next promotion.

If you have ever struggled with motivation, or bouncing back from adversity, then what Andy has researched about authenticity, resilience, and agility will be a game-changer for your career.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to change your story from post-traumatic stress, to post-traumatic growth!

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123: Are You on the Road to Burnout? | The Unspoken Pandemic

123: Are You on the Road to Burnout? | The Unspoken Pandemic

Let’s talk about a topic that hits close to home: burnout.

In this episode, l share my own experience of hitting rock bottom in my career due to burnout and how I turned things around.

Join me as I draw insights from over 1,500 engineering leaders and discuss the various faces of burnout – from disengagement to the perils of overworking. I introduce the “burnout scale” and urge you to assess where you stand on it.

I’ll uncover how burnout is more than just physical exhaustion – it’s about energy deficits across all aspects of our lives.

Hit that play button and let’s tackle burnout together!

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048: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Feeling Stuck with Joli Fytczyk

048: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Feeling Stuck with Joli Fytczyk

Imagine your favorite video game. What is it you love about that game? What makes it so fun to play?

Now imagine “real life” for a moment. What if your real life was actually a video game?

In this episode, enter the matrix with Founder of Edge Theory Labs and former Director of Operations at High Impact Coaching, Joshua Church. He helps high performers stress less and achieve more, is a sought-after coach around the world, leads transformational retreats in remote locations, and helps you operate as a more happy, healthy, and successful human being.

And we talk extensively about video games.

More specifically, how your real life can be reframed as a game, and how this mindset is not about escaping reality… but bringing peace and power into every moment.

You will learn how to upgrade your own operating system, so you can play this game of life at a higher level.

So press play and let’s chat…because it’s time to take the controller into your own hands!

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