
159: Who Else Wants More Energy at Work?

159: Who Else Wants More Energy at Work?

Are you ready to unlock your full potential by prioritizing health and fitness?

In this episode, I share a surprising revelation from my time at the gym that transformed my perspective on career success. From casual encounters with gym buddies to discovering they were top executives, I realized a common thread: the correlation between physical fitness and professional achievement.

I delve into why a strong body is crucial for a strong mind and how prioritizing health can elevate performance in all areas of life.

Join me as I challenge engineering leaders to become subject matter experts not only in their technical fields but also in sleep, movement, and nutrition. Discover simple yet powerful ways to optimize energy levels and unlock your full potential.

So press play and let’s chat about maximizing performance through holistic well-being.

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108: Create Peace and Compound Progress with True Priority

108: Create Peace and Compound Progress with True Priority

In this episode, discover the secrets to effective prioritization and how that can multiply peace and progress in your engineering career.

I’m going to dive into two major problems hindering prioritization: lack of clarity, and surrendering to others’ priorities.

We will implement practical solutions for you right now, including my “two by two” tactic for daily wins, and the art of saying “no” strategically.

By taking control of your priority and embracing courage, you can and will unlock your full potential for success.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to crush comfort and create a life of purposeful prioritization!

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105: How to Reduce Stress and Improve Daily

105: How to Reduce Stress and Improve Daily

In this episode, I’m going to share with you the single mindset shift that has helped me prevent burnout permanently for myself and hundreds of engineering leaders around the world.

And the best part is that this one is EASY to take action on.

Maybe you have had a lot of success lately, and don’t feel stressed or burned out.

Congrats, that’s good news! But here’s something to remember…

Success does not mean you have no problems.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to reduce stress and improve our lives every single day!

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