
042 BONUS: Create Your Dream Lifestyle with Charles Webb [Part 2]

042 BONUS: Create Your Dream Lifestyle with Charles Webb [Part 2]

Life is about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy a BONUS part 2 episode with Chef Charles Webb, who has gone through 92 jobs and dozens of countries in search of the lifestyle he loves.

In this episode, enjoy a freestyle conversation world-renowned #chefontour and Chicago’s #1 Private Chef, Charles Webb.

This is not our normal engineering career conversation at The Happy Engineer Podcast, and that’s on purpose. You may love the vibe of this lifestyle chat, or you may not. Either way, it’s important that we continuously expand our mindsets and ask new questions.

What is truly possible for your lifestyle?

What is your biggest, boldest dream?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

So press play and let’s chat… because food, travel, and leisure are about to open your mind (and mouth)!

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041: Why Passion Must Persist with #chefontour Charles Webb [Part 1]

041: Why Passion Must Persist with #chefontour Charles Webb [Part 1]

Can you imagine having had 92 jobs, traveling to dozens of countries, experiencing yet another setback, and still showing up with passion to keep building your vision?

Would you consider passion a key ingredient of success leaders?

In this episode, meet world-renowned #chefontour Charles Webb. Chicago’s #1 Private Chef, he has been trained through his adventurous spirit.

Chef Charles’ career has taken him to Brazil, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain, New York City and beyond. He has rubbed elbows with grand consulates and bartered for spices in markets unknown to the world. He has seared fish in a fire built by hand in the Cayman Islands, roasted duck in Rio, and learned to speak six languages in between.

Chef Charles Webb holds a philosophy that every meal is a journey and should be shared, experienced and savored.

What does all this have to do with building an engineering career?

You’re about to find out.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to ignite your passion for LIFE!

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040: Storytelling is Dead! Build Your Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr

040: Storytelling is Dead! Build Your Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr

Let me tell you a story about the day storytelling died. Once upon a time…

Wait, WHAT? Isn’t storytelling timeless?

In this episode, global strategist and leadership coach, Guillaume Wiatr, will show you the importance of building strategic narratives. He is the Founder of MetaHelm, a consulting firm which guides CEOs and Founders to align people and accelerate innovation adoption.

For Guillaume, traditional business storytelling is dead. Innovation happens when you build a new narrative instead. As he says, “people will pay for a story, but they will die for a narrative”.

We explore his custom 4-dimensions framework leveraged by senior executives of companies like Alaska Airlines, The Gates Foundation, AIG, L’Oréal, Google, Microsoft, and the US and French governments (to name a few).

And you can apply it to building your career.

So press play and let’s chat… How do you like that story?

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039: Conquer Your Fears and Build Resilience with F-16 Pilot Waldo Waldman

039: Conquer Your Fears and Build Resilience with F-16 Pilot Waldo Waldman

Are your attempts at reaching the next level “all thrust and no vector?” Has the fuel of your passion burned out, leaving you without a victory?

Can you imagine being an Air Force F-16 fighter pilot who is afraid of heights and claustrophobic?

In this episode, be prepared to fly higher than ever before with Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman, The Wingman. He is a Hall of Fame leadership speaker, executive coach, and the author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Never Fly Solo.”

Get ready for full throttle.

As a combat decorated F-16 fighter pilot, Waldo shares gripping stories and strategies on overcoming obstacles, performing under pressure, and how to create a resilient, courageous, “One Team, One Mission” culture of collaboration and trust.

He broke through a lifelong fear of heights and overcame claustrophobia as a fighter pilot.

And he is going to show you how to break through any barrier you face.

So press play and let’s chat…because now is your time for courageous leadership!

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038: The Revolution of Efficiency with Andrea Dallan

038: The Revolution of Efficiency with Andrea Dallan

How efficient are you? Is maximum efficiency a good goal?

What are the four pillars of efficiency you must implement to avoid being left behind during this industry (and life) revolution?

In this episode, I’m excited to chat with engineer, entrepreneur, and CEO of a growing global organization, Andrea Dallan. He is the author of the books “The Revolution of Efficiency” (2020) and “Think Thin” (2021).

Get ready to geek out a bit.

At least the mechanical engineers will, ha!

But this conversation is not just technical and career focused. Efficiency is important for your daily life, and Andrea is going to show you how this revolution is unfolding.

We also address the most common barriers to efficiency that we all face, every day.

So press play and let’s chat…it’s time for a revolution!

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037: Multiply Your Impact by Owning Your Career with Lauren Herring

037: Multiply Your Impact by Owning Your Career with Lauren Herring

Who is responsible for your career? The answer is YOU, but do you actually know what owning your career looks like in the modern workplace?

Have you ever felt like you “missed the train” when it comes to career growth?

In this episode, you will discover the keys to owning your career. Lauren Herring is CEO of IMPACT Group, one of the largest woman-owned career and leadership coaching companies globally, supporting over 200 Fortune 500 companies, in over 50 countries worldwide.

Lauren has good news for you.

There is no train.

But that is no excuse for not taking ownership of what you need to do in order to move things forward in your career!

Lauren has received the Game Changer Award by Workforce Magazine and has been published or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fast Company.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to promote yourself to CEO of your own career!

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