
178: Without This Intention You Will Suffer the Certainty of Misery with Jeff Perry | Engineering Career Coach

178: Without This Intention You Will Suffer the Certainty of Misery with Jeff Perry | Engineering Career Coach

In this episode, I chat with my good friend and fellow coach, Jeff Perry, about the power of intention.

In his new book, “The Intentional Engineer,” Jeff shares how to design a life and career with intention, how to shift your mindset, create clarity in what you want, and where it all fits in your zones of genius.

We talk about a three-letter word that embodies the growth mindset, moving beyond the golden rule, and the core statements that define (and can limit) our potential.

Jeff is a mechanical and software engineering leader turned leadership coach for engineers. His unique approach helps you create clarity on your goals, take ambitious action, make intentional career moves, and level-up fast.

So press play and let’s chat…it’s time to be intentional about your next career step!

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064: How to Become WHO You Want to Become in Your Engineering Career with Jeff Perry

064: How to Become WHO You Want to Become in Your Engineering Career with Jeff Perry

What is your dream for your engineering career? Who do you want to become?

How does coaching help you get there?

In this episode, fellow Engineering Career Coach and my good friend, Jeff Perry, is going to show you how.

We use real stories of real engineers to help you understand the power and practice of career coaching.

Jeff is a mechanical and software engineering leader turned leadership coach for engineers. His unique approach helps you create clarity on your goals, take ambitious action, make intentional career moves, and level-up fast.

Have you ever wondered if coaching is for you, or how to become a better coach yourself? Then this conversation is what you’ve been waiting for.

So press play and let’s chat… your free coaching session is about to begin!

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