
189: Accelerate Promotion by Avoiding a Common Phase 2 Trap

189: Accelerate Promotion by Avoiding a Common Phase 2 Trap

In this episode, I dive into the challenges of performance reviews and how to shift your approach to accelerate your next promotion.

I share a story about Daniel, an engineering leader who felt stuck in his career, frustrated by seeing his peers get promoted while he remained in the same role. The key insight? It’s not about constantly asking what gaps you need to close—it’s about demonstrating that you’re already performing at the next level.

By shifting the conversation with leadership from “what’s missing” to “what more can I contribute at the next level,” Daniel unlocked new growth in his career. I’ll walk you through how to make this same shift.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to elevate your promotion strategy!

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167: You Don’t Have to Be John Maxwell to Be a Great Leader

167: You Don’t Have to Be John Maxwell to Be a Great Leader

In this episode, I dive deep into the practical aspects of leadership with a focus on behaviors over traits.

Everyone aspires to be a great leader, but what does that really entail beyond the buzzwords and theories?

I share a story from a recent conversation with Bill, a senior engineering manager, who’s striving to enhance his leadership skills, particularly around building trust and creating psychological safety within his team.

We discuss how easy it is to get caught up in the theoretical aspects of leadership, like the concepts found in leadership books, and overlook the necessity of actionable steps.

Throughout our discussion, I emphasize the importance of transforming leadership aspirations into specific, behavior-based actions that lead to real results.

Join me as we explore how to break down common leadership challenges into tangible actions that can immediately impact your team.

So press play and let’s chat about turning theory into action!

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150: Victory Over Imposter Syndrome and Burnout with Jimmy Burroughes

150: Victory Over Imposter Syndrome and Burnout with Jimmy Burroughes

In this episode, meet Jimmy Burroughes, a former British Military Officer turned international coach and brilliant author.

Jimmy shares his mission to “Beat Burnout – Ignite Performance” in his playbook for building high-performance team cultures. He helps organizations all over the planet achieve 10x results without burning out.

If you are hungry for bigger and faster results, but not sure how to get there without burning the candle on both ends, this conversation is for you.

Having lived and worked in over 65 countries, Jimmy’s approach to leadership development doesn’t include fancy jargon or complex formulas. He believes in simple, practical solutions that get results.

So press play and let’s chat… let’s beat burnout before it starts.

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