
178: Without This Intention You Will Suffer the Certainty of Misery with Jeff Perry | Engineering Career Coach

178: Without This Intention You Will Suffer the Certainty of Misery with Jeff Perry | Engineering Career Coach

In this episode, I chat with my good friend and fellow coach, Jeff Perry, about the power of intention.

In his new book, “The Intentional Engineer,” Jeff shares how to design a life and career with intention, how to shift your mindset, create clarity in what you want, and where it all fits in your zones of genius.

We talk about a three-letter word that embodies the growth mindset, moving beyond the golden rule, and the core statements that define (and can limit) our potential.

Jeff is a mechanical and software engineering leader turned leadership coach for engineers. His unique approach helps you create clarity on your goals, take ambitious action, make intentional career moves, and level-up fast.

So press play and let’s chat…it’s time to be intentional about your next career step!

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177: Why Recruiters Do Not Find Jobs for People | Career Transition Coaching

177: Why Recruiters Do Not Find Jobs for People | Career Transition Coaching

In this episode, I tackle a common misconception in the career journey: the difference between a recruiter and a coach.

Many engineering leaders and managers come to our coaching organization, Oasis of Courage, seeking help without realizing they might need coaching instead of recruiting. I dive into the key differences between these two roles, explaining why recruiters find people for jobs, while coaches help you become the best candidate for your desired role.

I also discuss the importance of having a comprehensive job search strategy that includes but isn’t limited to recruiters.

You’ll hear real-life examples of how coaching can accelerate your career transition, boost your confidence, and help you avoid the pitfalls of desperation.

So press play and let’s chat about making your next career move with the right support system!

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176: How Elite Communication Can Increase Your Income with Ty Hoesgen

176: How Elite Communication Can Increase Your Income with Ty Hoesgen

In this episode, meet Ty Hoesgen. An elite communication coach, 2X best-selling author, and the Founder of Advanced Growth Institute, Ty helps professionals communicate with confidence, charisma, and clarity.

If you want more respect, more opportunities, and more money, communication is the key to unlock a new level.

Motivated by his struggles as a shy, awkward kid growing up on a farm, Ty has spent many years and thousands of hours researching, practicing, and experimenting in order to master the world of communication.

Determined to make others’ journeys less painful than his own, he dedicated his life to figuring out the success formula for communication skills.

Ty now uses this formula to help people change their lives as quickly as possible — introverts, extroverts, and people of all skill levels. He’s currently helped over 300 people radically improve their communication skills.

So press play and let’s chat… it’s time to go from low level implementation to high level communication!

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165: WARNING – Your Memory is Worse Than You Think

165: WARNING – Your Memory is Worse Than You Think

In this episode, we dive deep into how our memories can sometimes be our own worst enemies, especially when it comes to personal growth and development.

I recount a recent humbling experience playing the game “Memory” with my nephew which sparked a profound realization about the limitations of my own memory, particularly how it’s crammed with so much information that it often hinders more than it helps.

This reflection led me to explore broader implications in terms of career advancement and personal development. I discuss the concept of the “I know” mindset, which can prevent us from taking action because we convince ourselves that we already know enough.

I share insights on how embracing community, coaching, and open-mindedness—rather than relying solely on what we know—can significantly propel us forward.

So press play and let’s chat about breaking free from the barriers of our memory!

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177: Why Recruiters Do Not Find Jobs for People | Career Transition Coaching

159: Who Else Wants More Energy at Work?

Are you ready to unlock your full potential by prioritizing health and fitness?

In this episode, I share a surprising revelation from my time at the gym that transformed my perspective on career success. From casual encounters with gym buddies to discovering they were top executives, I realized a common thread: the correlation between physical fitness and professional achievement.

I delve into why a strong body is crucial for a strong mind and how prioritizing health can elevate performance in all areas of life.

Join me as I challenge engineering leaders to become subject matter experts not only in their technical fields but also in sleep, movement, and nutrition. Discover simple yet powerful ways to optimize energy levels and unlock your full potential.

So press play and let’s chat about maximizing performance through holistic well-being.

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155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

155: Get Rid of Sleazy Networking Once and For All

In this episode, I dive into the misconceptions and pitfalls surrounding networking in the professional world.

Join me as I unpack the flawed mindset behind traditional networking strategies and propose a paradigm shift towards authentic connection and giving without expectation.

Discover why leading with generosity and genuine intent can not only transform your networking experiences but also propel your career forward with fulfillment and purpose.

So press play and let’s chat about redefining networking for success without the sleaze.

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